Hunter j ....choices

"Do you have them?" A red hair woman asked as she glared through the monitor.

"What do you think, you useless bitch, I have them. Unlike you, I'm good at what I do." A silver haired woman replied. The red hair woman growled at that insult.

"You should watch your mouth, J. We are still your employer, if we so choose, we could cancel your contract." The red hair woman threatened.

J smile dangerously at her, which unnerved the red hair woman. "I think you should be the one to watch your mouth, I don't need you and your organization, you and your organization needs me." J then pressed a button revealing the three Pokémons that Team Galactic needed. "The lake trio's are mind, if Team Galactic would cancel the deal, then I would sell this three in the black market. I would bet that a lot of people will pay the same amount or more than you're organization is offering me for capturing this three." J said with a sly smile.

Mars growled at her, J was right. "Just be in a rendezvous point at the exact time, we will have the lake trio and you will have your money, like we bargain. Just do your part of the bargain and will do our part." Mars stated in great annoyance.

"That's a good girl," Mars growled at that. "Now be a dear and be good slut for Cyrus." J commented as she closed the transmission before Mars replied.

J chuckled cruelly; she enjoyed tormenting those Galactic fools. They were nothing but useless fools who could not capture three measly midgets, although she would admit that they put up a good fight with her Salamence. J sighed as she glared at her subordinates, they are useless men but they do have their uses.

"You useless fools, head towards the rendezvous point, full speed ahead and no stopping for anything." J shouted with an intense tone.

"Yes, sir," Her crew replied, fearing for their lives. The aircraft then pick up speed, oblivious of the person who was watching them from a far.

(Scene Change)

"I hate this part of the job." Ash whined his wings were fully extended as he watched the aircraft fly. He was floating in to the dark sky, eyeing the large aircraft dangerously.

"(You're a prince, deal with it)." Pikachu replied as he sat on Ash's shoulder.

Ash sighed as he glared at the aircraft; J had finally given him the reason to exterminate her. She has been on the legendaries hit list for years; hunting Pokémons and selling them to the people who would used them as mere tools or would put them in excruciating experiment, but this really takes the cake. Capturing the lake trio, the three who are responsible for keeping the three holy quality balance in the human realm, it was safe to say that the legendaries are livid. They had finally gave Ash the warrant to kill her, something that he would do with utmost proficiency.

"Pikachu, let's go." Ash said as he flew towards the airship. Ash was halted when he heard his phone ring and stopped his movements, causing Pikachu to almost fall. He then took the phone and smiled.

"(ASH, YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO)." Pikachu yelled, annoyed that his partner would stop for just a phone call.

"Elena comes first than any missions those Legendaries give me, she always comes first." Ash stated with a goofy smile, causing Pikachu to sigh. Ash then answered the call and smiled when he saw Elena.

"Hey love, how are you?" Ash asked with a smile at having Elena call.

"Am I interrupting something?" Elena asked, seeing the dark sky behind Ash's head and seeing his wings fully extended.

"It's just a mission, nothing big." Ash answered simply, knowing Elena knew of his responsibility.

"I see, who are you going to rescue now or better yet, who are you going to kill now." Elena asked with a looked worry on her beautiful space.

"I'm rescuing the Lake Guardians and please, for the sake of my sanity, don't ask me on who I'm going to kill." Ash said with a stoic expression.

"Come on loved, you could share it to me; it helps lift the burden in your heart." Elena said in a comforting manner. Elena had saw Ash broken down in the pass when the Legendaries ordered him to kill, that look broke her heart and a haunted her, she never wanted to see that look on Ash ever again. She knew that the only way for her to help Ash and his sanity is to have Ash talk about the issue of him killing, to prevent him from plunging into insanity. She knew that and Ash knew that as well.

Ash knowing that she has a point and she would force him in telling her in their next meeting, conceded. "The Legendaries have ordered me to terminate Hunter J." Ash stated which froze Elena. She knew that as an Aura Prince, Ash was in charge in maintaining the balance between human and Pokémons; he was also responsible in terminating anybody, human or Pokémons, to disturb that balance. She was terrified for her sister; J had finally crossed the line between life and death, literally this time.

"J had defiled the land of the Lake Guardian and had captured them, for Arceus knows what reason. The Legendaries had asked me to exterminate her, permanently."Ash said, is voice getting darker by the word.

Elena then looked at Ash, tears starting to form in her eyes, something that didn't go unnoticed by Ash. "Is something the manner, Elena?" Ash asked with a soft voice.

"ASH," Elena yelled, startling Ash a bit. "Please, I beg you, don't kill her." Elena pleaded, tears falling down her Ash.

Ash was shocked at what Elena said and was further shocked at the tears that she was shedding. "Why, does she mean anything to you?" Ash asked, choosing his words carefully.

"Yes, she's my eldest sister." Elena exclaimed, shocking Ash greatly. "I know that she had done something to warrant the Legendaries to order you to kill her but please, spare her. She's my sister and I love her, I owe her for taking care of me. Please spare her." Elena begged, tears falling down her eyes rapidly.

Ash massaged his temple, this changes everything. "Elena you do understand either I kill her or the Legendaries will, and if the Legendaries kill her, her soul will die as well, preventing her from moving on to the next life." Ash said solemnly. Elena's faced feel and her heart broke, hurting Ash in the process. Ash sighed; it seems that he has to use that.

"I could still save her." Ash said in a low tone but Elena heard it. She perched up and looked at Ash, hope filling her tear filled Ash. "Among the three ranks among the Prince, Knight, and Sage, the Prince is given an inquiry, three inquiries to be exact. I can use one inquiry to save her from their judgment." Ash stated with a gentle smile.

Elena looked up and smiled, as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "You'll really save her." Elena said, happily.

"J is the person who had tried to kill more times that I would like," Even with the seriousness of the matter at hand, Elena can't help but to rubbed her head and smiled uneasily. "But if she's your sister, means that she's not that bad, that she might be doing this kind of stuff with a good reason." Ash said while rubbing his both of his temples with one of his hands.

Elena looked sadden at the mention of that. "I'm sorry about her actions Ash; she really does have a good reason for doing this." Elena stated as she prepared to tell Ash her reason but Ash stopped her.

"Don't tell me, I'll find out myself." Ash stated with an unreadable expression. "I have to go; I need to save those three."

Elena nodded; she has taken enough of Ash's time for his mission. "Thank you for this," Elena said in appreciation.

"Please wiped your tears from your beautiful eyes and smile for me, my heart aches to see you like this." Ash said, compassionately. Elena did what Ash said and completely wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled for Ash.

"You should have told me about J being your sister, I could have prevented this, and to be clear, I'm going to saved her for your sake, not hers." Ash stated which Elena nodded, understanding Ash's predicament.

"I'm going to save her because my beloved, my lover, my bride, and my future wife asked me to do it." Ash stated which caused Pikachu to groan and Elena to blush. "That and I want your complete family to be present at our wedding." Elena's faced now resembled a tomato.

"I'll be going now love." Ash ended and was about to hung up but was stopped by Elena.

"You forgot to say one thing in that rant, Ash." Elena whispered with a blush and a mischievous smile.

"And what is that, loved." Ash said, confused at her sudden changed of demeanor.

"You forgot to say; the future bearer of your children." Elena stated, mischievously.

Ash blush severely as Elena hung up.

"That woman knows how to change my mood." Ash said as he flew towards the airship with an amazing speed, his body being covered with a benevolent Aura.