Preparations for the Ball

Ash and Elena were flying on Elena's Salamence; the two of them were finalizing the story line if, and only if, their friends and family sees them together during the ball. Elena was rather impressed at how ingenious this story line is.

"You really need to consider a career in show business, this is genius." Elena said as she rested her head on Ash's lap.

"I'm glad that those lessons in theater that I forcefully endure weren't useless." Ash replied with a chuckled. He then glanced at her beautiful face with a concern expression. "If we do this, our relationship will be out of the bag, do you really want that." Ash asked in a concern tone.

Elena merely smiled at Ash. "I'm ready Ash; I've been ready for about a year now." Elena answered as she caresses Ash's faced. "But if you're not ready yet….." Ash hurriedly interrupted her at the mention of that.

"Don't get me wrong, I've been ready since the day I said the words 'I love you' to you, but I'm not sure how our friends and our family will react." Ash exclaimed worriedly.

"Your Uncle and Natasha reacted well, even Brock and Gary reaction is quite appropriate, why are you nervous about how my friends and your friends will react." Elena inquired as she raised her eyebrow on Ash.

"I'm not nervous, I'm worried, those four reacted the way they did because I threatened them with an Aura Sphere, what kind of person would react properly if I had an Aura Sphere at their faces." Ash reasoned with a humorous tone.

"Point taken but still, it would be okay. Plus, they couldn't do anything even if they don't approve of us anyway." Elena stated causing Ash to smile.

"I know that already loved, if they even try to go between us, it will cause them, friendship and family be damn." Ash said in an indignant tone.

Elena smile seeing that Ash will go through the plan. She was worry as well at how her family would react, especially at how Sarah would react. Sarah never shut up at how perfect and how wonderful Ash was when she went to visit them in their excavation, much to her aggravation. Elena knew that when Sarah discovered her relationship with her dream man, it would be hell. Even Jane had a crush on him, and that is saying something.

But Elena can't bring herself to care about that, Ash chose her and that's the only thing that she cared about. She had managed to make Ash fell for her, and that was not an easy task I may add, and as long as Ash found her worthy of his affection, then Ash will be hers and only hers.

One thing is for certain, the coming days would be interesting.

(Scene Change)

"Come on you guys hurry up; I need to buy a dress."Sarah exclaimed loudly as she glanced at her friends and her family.

"Relax would you, I'm going to be the one that will pay for your dress so you should take it easy." Adan stated with a smile as he glanced at the blissful Sarah.

"I know that, that's why I want to get a beautiful and expensive one." Sarah stated with a bright smile causing Adan to look dejected.

"There goes my bank account." Adan muttered with a sighed as he took his thick wllet.

"Don't worry Adan, if your bank account goes to zero, you could asked Ash for cash." Natasha whispered humorously.

"Like I will stoop that low." Adan whispered as he glanced at Natasha.

"But come on, have you seen his bank account, there's more zero's there than I could have ever imagine." Natasha exclaimed quietly.

"I know that but that money is reserve for his future with Elena." Adan reasoned with a smile.

"Yeah, Elena's in good hands." Natasha said with a smile.

"If you two are done talking, were already here." Henry stated as he pointed at the large mall.

Adan stared at the mall with grim expression. "Well it's been nice knowing my bank account." Adan said in a grim tone.

"Okay everyone, go shop for your dresses and suits and well meet in the food court in two hours." Henry announced causing every to dispersed quickly. "Jane before you leave, I need to tell you something."

"What is it, you old geezer?" Jane asked as she stared coldly at her biological father.

Henry sighed sadly at the tone of voice that her eldest daughter used in talking to him, she really hates him. "Be careful, your hair may be longer and you may be wearing clothes that conceal your identity but please, be careful." Henry said in a compassionate tone.

Jane on the other hand was least compassionate. "What about you worry about yourself and I will worry about myself, like we're use to." Jane said with a sharp tone as she went towards the crew.

Henry shook his head slightly in sadness; it seems that Elena was his only daughter that actually respects him now.

"You do know that you deserved every disrespect that Jane and Sarah had gave you and are giving you, right."Adan stated as he glanced at his long time companion.

"I know, I know, I know, I screw up as there father, I don't want you to rubbed it in." Henry replied in frustration.

"Trust me when I say this, you don't know half the pain that those three suffered when you left them, when you left Relena. If you asked me, you deserved more pain than you are receiving right now." Adan said as he walked passed Henry and was shortly followed by Natasha.