Everyone together

"This place is beautiful," Elena complimented as she and her Ash glanced around the ballroom.

"I know and this place is actually made out of marbles, I don't see much architecture made out of this material anymore." Ash commented as he felt the aura around the room, his merely sighed at the feeling of several familiar Aura's around the Ballroom.

'Let's see Zoey, Ursula, Nando, Kenny, Barry, Reggie Riley, Solidad hell even Paul is here, not to mention both Drew and Harley are here as well, who in the hell invited those two..' Ash thought with a bit of annoyance, it would be harder know to hide from so many people. 'Even Lance, Cynthia, and Lucian are here as well, this ball must be pretty big to have two champions and an elite four participating.'

"Hey Ash, have you sense their presence already?" Elena asked as she sat beside Ash.

Ash merely nodded as he intertwined her hands with his. "You ready love," Ash asked with a small, unsure smile. He might be an Aura Prince but he was still a bit unsure about this.

Elena clasped her hands tightly at his and merely smiled back at Ash. "I've ready, let's just wait for them to see us before we start the story line, we do have a week together." Elena stated with a smile.

Ash smile back as he draw strength from her, he may have the power to destroy his enemies as he saw fit but he still draws power from her, from her Goddess.

"Thanks, I needed that love." Ash said with a smile causing Elena to chuckle a bit.

"I'm always here for you Ash, you have the problem of the world on your shoulders, and I'm here to lessen it." Elena said as she laid her head on Ash's shoulder as the two of them waited for the ball to start.

(Scene Change)

"So where are we going to sit, Samuel?" Sarah asked as she conversed with the old professor.

"Don't be impatient Sarah, we'll find them soon." Professor Oak stated as he glanced around the ballroom for specific people.

"Arceus, we should have really met in one place, it would be much easier that way." Sarah commented as she glanced around the ballroom, it was like what she expected, the entire room was filled with trainers, and it was perfect.

"It seems that this year would be a war." Sarah mumbled quietly as a smirked crawled to her lips.

The rest noticing that smirked hurriedly become unnerve, Ash's friends didn't know why but that smirked sent a shiver down there spine while the crew already knew the meaning of that smirked, it meant pain and destruction. The crew hurriedly position themselves behind there new friends, with the exception of Adan, who was eyeing his sister and Henry who was having another conversation.

"Hey guys, why are you guys hiding behind us?" Max inquired as he glanced at Michael who was in front of his girlfriend.

"You see that smirked on Sarah's faced," Max and the rest nodded at that, it was hard to miss that sadistic smirked on Sarah's face. "When she smirks like that, we always end up either in a life and death situation or a situation where we have to fight for our lives." Michael explained as a shiver runs through his spine.

"Come on guys, you're exaggerating things." Dawn commented with a joking tone which was answered by a dark glare from the rest of the crew.

"Trust me when I say this, and for the first time I speak for the rest of the crew, when Sarah smirked like that, its all hell well break loose." Justin said in a fearful tone, remembering how painful those times are for him, it was especially painful for her because Sarah hates him with a passion.

"Let's just pray that whatever she's planning is less painful that her old plans." Karen said in a soft tone.

The crew nodded before cursing that Elena was not here. When Elena was with them, Sarah was less extreme at anything she was planning; it was still painful but less life threatening.

"Here we are guys." Sarah said catching everyone's attentions. The large group was then starring at a larger group of people, all of them we're quite familiar.

"Drew, Harley, Solidad what are you three doing here?" May exclaimed in shock as she saw her rivals.

"Zoey, Ursula, Nando, Kenny, Barry, you guys are invited too." Dawn exclaimed shockingly as she pointed at her rivals and friends.

"Of course we're invited, what do you think, you and your friends are the only people worthy of being in a formal affair." Ursula commented as she gazed at Dawn and her bunch of friends and instantly noticing that the handsome leader of the bunch was not present.

'Damn it, where's Ash, please don't tell me that his not going to attend this ball, I only attended because I thought that he was going to attend.' Ursula thought with a disappointed sighed.

"Why hello there May, its funny that you're invited in a formal affair, you don't even know how to be formal." Drew commented snidely causing Harley to chuckle and May to explode in anger.

"His right you know hun, you are not known for being formal." Harley added playfully causing May to be irate.

"Will you two shut up before I start hitting you two to kingdom come?" May said threateningly causing Solidad to step in before they make a scene.

"Three of you calm down, where in a formal affair so don't create a scene." Solidad lectured causing the three to calm down a bit.

"You guys know this people." Justin whispered to Brock as he glanced at the people around the table who were starting a conversation with May and Dawn.

"Yes, we met all of them during our journey." Brock answered as he glanced at everyone in the table.

"So tell me, where is the leader of this ragged tag group." Paul asked as he made his presents felt as while glancing at the large group in front of them but more so at Sarah.

'Ash managed to battle a legend and a top class trainer like her in a standstill and he still hasn't used that rodent.' Paul thought as he observed Sarah in the corner of his eye and could instantly feel the skill overflowing from her.

Dawn glanced coldly at the sight of Paul, of all the people to be invited, why him." "Why do you care Paul?" Dawn asked coldly in a sharp tone.

Paul glanced at Dawn uninterestedly." Who are you again?" Paul asked coldly, irritating Dawn but that question seems to gain interest of all the people in the table.

"Now that cold and ruthless mention it, where is that guy?" Drew inquired curiously as he glanced around and no Ash could be seen.

Ash's friend sighed, why is so many people interested in Ash.