Ashy.....the lady killer....

"That was fun." Misty commented as she sat together with the boys in there table, it has been an hour and a half since the dance began. Half of the female teens in the table were quite delighted that many boys found them attractive and asked them for a dance while the more mature ladies, Sarah, Cynthia, Jane, and Solidad found it quite annoying. Some of the boys on the other hand were quite delighted that a lot of girls had danced with them, with the exception of Paul who found it annoying, and for Brock and Justin who had not have a single dance tonight, causing them to be depress and cry (Anime Style).

"That was fun yet tiring." May commented as the girls nod in agreement.

"Easy for you to say, you didn't get your feet stepped on." Drew snidely stated causing Dawn to whack him behind the head.

"Would you stop teasing her, seriously you are sometimes worst than Paul." Dawn exclaimed causing Paul to look at her with disdain.

"Don't involve me with your stupidity, little girl." Paul stated coldly causing Dawn's eyes to twitch violently.

"If this weren't a formal event, I would have hit you by now." Dawn stated as she glared at Paul.

"Oh boy, there they go again, quarreling like brats." Jane stated as she drank a glass of water.

"They are just enjoying their childhood dear, be considerate." Henry gently said to Jane causing Jane to laugh softly yet cruelly.

"That was the luxury I never had the privilege to have, remember." Jane retorted as she glared at her father.

Delia automatically reacted at that disrespect that Jane gave her father. "You should respect your father more dearly." Delia stated causing Jane's attention to be diverted to the woman sited beside her father.

Before she could say anything, Adan beat her to the punch. "Trust me Del, the bastard deserve every bit of disrespect his receiving right now." Adan said as he drank a bottle of wine that came out of nowhere.

"Where the hell did you get that? If I recall correctly you didn't bring any wine, for once in your damn life." Natasha asked as she glanced at the bottle of wine in his hands.

Adan chuckled as he pointed at dance floor haphazardly. "My nephew gave it to me," Adan replied with a small smirk. It was quite fortunate that Ash and Elena was both dancing at the other side of the dance floor because they automatically look at where Adan's finger was pointing at.

That little statement also caused Delia to explode. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT MY SON IS HERE?" Delia exclaimed loudly causing everyone's attention to be diverted to the table of the adults, which was next to the table of the kids.

Adan wasn't fazed at her sister's yelling, after being with her for half of his life, he was quite use of her yelling. "Easy sister, it have to reason's why I didn't tell you, first reason, he is still a bit uncomfortable around you, especially that he knows that little secret of our group twenty years ago." Adan started causing Henry's eyes to widen.

"You told him that, how stupid could you be?" Henry exclaimed in shocked, further confusing the teens around them, what are they talking about.

Adan ignored Henry's outburst as he raise the battle of wine in his hands. "Second of all, he gave this wine which is fifty years old I may add." Adan stated gleefully with a goofy smile.

"So you didn't tell me that my son is here because he bought you off with a fifty year old wine." Delia exclaimed with a monotone voice.

"What do you expect?" Adan exclaimed as he poured another glass of wine to his drinking glass.

Delia sighed as she wiped the glass of wine from her brother's hands. "Ten years, we hadn't seen each other in ten years and you still hadn't change." Delia said as she drank wine. "How did my son get his hands in liquor like this, this is quite intoxicating." Delia exclaimed after tasting the quality wine.

Adan chuckle after hearing that statement, it's time for him to begin Ash's storyline." I have no idea, I just got reunited with my nephew a month ago and I'm already startled what kind of person he is." Adan momentarily chuckled as he remembers the first time he saw Ash and Elena together. "That kid has so many secrets that it reminds me of an incident that happen all those years ago." Adan concluded causing Delia and Henry to look at Adan like he was crazy while Natasha merely chuckle already knowing what kind of incident Adan was talking about, history was truly an interesting thing.

Adan was about to pour wine to his glass but was stop when a hard matter hit him in the head quite hard. "Okay Sarah, why did you throw an empty Poke ball in my head?" Adan asked as he gazed at Sarah, as he looked at Sarah he could have swore that he saw his life flashed before his eyes.

"I understand why you didn't tell Mrs. Ketchum." Sarah said rather quickly causing Adan to instantly forced Henry in front of him, using his old comrade as a human shield. Henry on the other hand was cursing Adan in his head as he stared at his second daughter, preparing to maim them to oblivion. "But why didn't you tell me, do you know how desperate I am to meet him again." Sarah stated threateningly as she glanced at her biological father and the person that she view as a father.

"He bought me off with wine." Adan exclaimed quickly causing Sarah's eyes to twitch dangerously.

Before Sarah could hurt Adan, Jane decided to speak, not wanting to make a scene. "Sit down idiot; you know how easy it is to manipulate Papa Dan." Jane said causing Sarah to glare at her

"I'm not asking you witch," Sarah sneered as she glanced momentarily at her eldest sister. "And I already know that, Papa Dan might be strong as an Aggron but he has an I'Q of a Slowpoke." Sarah exclaimed causing Adan to fake a cough.

"I finish two college courses at the top of my class; I do not have an I'Q of a Slowpoke." Adan argued indignantly.

"Fine, what about a common sense of rock." Sarah said teasingly.

"That I would agree on," Adan retorted with a satisfy smile, he would admit to himself that he was smart but he would also admit that he has a common sense of a fruit.

"So you and your sister are related to Ash," Paul inquired curiously as he gazed at the overly powerful girl in front of him.

Sarah and Jane almost spat a glassful of spit at that question. "We're not related to that brat." Jane stated quickly. 'Not yet anyway.' Jane added in her thoughts, knowing that Elena will have him as a husband in the near future, which was unfortunate for her and for Sarah.

"Yeah, you see we call Adan as Papa Dan because he was more of a father to us than that guy that his using as a shield against me." Sarah said pointing at Adan and Henry.

"That's putting it lightly." Jane snorted as she glanced at the dance floor. "Our real father was never a father to us to be exact." Jane stated causing Henry to look down in shame.

"Elena doesn't thing that way." Cynthia commented, she had a friendly relationship with Sarah and she already knew the members of her family. If her memory was correct, Elena still treats her blood father with respect.

"Well Elena is to kind-hearted for her own good, trust us me when I say this, Elena's the most kindhearted person you guys will ever meant." Jane commented with a small, jealous smile.

"Hey Gary, is Elena the same Elena…" Before Brock could finished his question, Gary already answered.

"Yes the three of them are related, we are currently sited with Ash's future sister-in-law." Gary stated causing Brock to nod dumbly, what a twist of fate.

"So you guys have another sister," Kenny asked curiously as he glanced at one of the greats of Pokémon history.

Sarah and Jane both smile at the mention of their younger sister. "The best way to described her is that, she's a complete angel, both inside and outside ." Sarah started with a smile.

"Yeah, I am actually proud to be related to her." Jane stated with a smile before glaring at the boys at the neighboring table. "And if any boys here get their eyes on her, I will rip your eyes and shoved it down your throats." Jane added causing the boys to shiver at that implication.

"You shouldn't worry about that witch; Elena doesn't have any interest in boys yet, that and she's only fifteen." Sarah remarked with a knowing tone. For once in her life, she was dead wrong.

"That coming from a person who has a crush in a fifteen year old boy doesn't mean much." Jane retorted with a grin.

At the mention of that, Sarah attention was once again diverted to Adan. "That reminds me, where is he?" Sarah asked in a threatening tone.

Before Adan could reply, Lucian, who had joined the group, interrupted. "If I may ask, what do you see in him Sarah?" Lucian asked as he glanced at his old friend.

Sarah giggled as she glanced at the leader of the elite four, her attention being diverted away from Adan much to his great comfort. "That's easy, I can't read him." Sarah answered confusing the group greatly.

"You have a crush on Ash because you can't read him." Dawn exclaimed in shock.

Sarah nodded and began elaborating. "A person like me who's an expert of reading people grave to find a person that we can't read. I became a trainer because I want to meet a person that I can't read like a book besides my family. After eight years of my journey, I had only found one person that I can't read and that's Ash, add to the fact that he is the most talented and the most handsome trainer I met is an added bonus." Sarah said with a blush.

"Come on now Sarah, Ash is like an open book." Misty stated, trying to discourage Sarah from pursuing Ash.

'I don't have a chance against her.' Some of the young teens thought as they glanced at Sarah.

'Whoa, I can't believe that his charms would make Sarah fall for him as well.' Cynthia and Solidad thought simultaneously.

'How lucky can a guy be?' The boys and even Paul thought.

'This is ironic.' Henry thought with a low smirked, excited at meeting this Ash guy.

'He grows up so fast.' Delia thought with a smile.

'Whoa, he collected the whole three sisters.' Natasha thought with a chuckle.

'Ash, you have the charms of your father but sadly the girls here will have their hearts broken. You already made your choice and it's a fine good one.' Adan thought sadly.

"He is not an open book, the guys has more secrets than an entire country combine." Sarah hit the mark at that statement.

"Yeah right," Max commented sarcastically.

"Actually Max, Sarah is right." Adan stated as he glanced everybody.

"For example, one of Ash's secrets is that he's a good dancer." Adan said causing the teens to burst out laughing.

"Yeah right, Ash and dancing doesn't mix." Barry stated between his laughs.

"You guys want to bet then." Adan said as he put a wad of cash in the table.

"Sure why not, I need extra money anyway." Barry stated as he place his entire wallet in the table. The whole table followed Barry's action, surprisingly even Paul put up a small amount of money against, the only two who didn't bet was Brock and Gary, the two of them already knew not to underestimate Ash, especially Gary who knew Ash could dance.

Adan smirked, this was too easy. "All of you kids bet that Ash can't dance right," The kids nodded in unison. Adan smile mischievously as he pointed at the dance floor. "Then look at where my finger is pointing and tell me that my nephew can't dance." Adan stated with a large smirked.

Every body in the table followed Adan's finger all the way to the dance floor, what they saw shocked them to the core.