Business time....

It was already dark in Sun Lake Town as a private jet was slowly landing on an airport.

"Can you remind me why you're here again?" Via asked in irritation as she gazed at the man in front of him.

"I'm here to keep you in line, just in case." The man replied in a deadpanned tone as he read a newspaper to pass off time. "You tend to overdo things and yourself when left alone during business transactions." The man exclaimed in a matter of a fact tone causing Via's eyebrow to twitch in irritation.

"I do those things to the betterment of our company." Via retorted in a sharp tone.

The man almost snorted at how absurd that statement was. "Would you just admit it that you go overboard because you want to get the young master's heart, something that you shouldn't even bother with because that is something that has been claimed." The man stated causing Via to almost slapped him but she held firm.

"I won't comment on that but as long as Ash isn't married, then it is still a free game." Via retorted with an annoyed expression. "I always hated Ash's decision for hiring you, Ricardo. I mean, Ash already has me and I already have enough knowledge to run this company in his absents." That statement caused Ricardo to chuckle a bit.

"Your right, you have amazing knowledge in the business world, too bad that his mistress doesn't trust you that much and after that incident, the trust that young master has on you dwindle a lot." Ricardo stated with a smirk causing Via to growl.

"I hate you." Via sneered as they heard the plane land.

"I know but we're colleagues and Ash trusts us with the company's affairs, so I suggest we suck it up and do this thing." Ricardo stated seriously as he stood up and made his way to the planes exit. "I wonder if Mr. Goodshow is waiting for us." Ricardo wondered silently.

"Of course he'll be waiting for us. The geezer has been trying to figure out who owns APWA since we started providing the league with fields." Via stated knowingly as the two exited the plane, only to see Mr. Goodshow and two champions waiting for them. "Why did he bring two champions with him? Is he that desperate?" Via wondered silently

"So our company has grown so much that three elites are waiting for our arrival?" Ricardo exclaimed loudly as Via hit him in the head.

"Look alive and don't embarrass us, idiot." Via hissed silently as they slowly approached their client.

"I know so shut it." Ricardo stated as he lightly elbowed her. "And for Arceus' sake, act like a proper lady and not a cradle robber," Ricardo mumbled to her, prompting Via to hit him across the head one more time.

Mr. Goodshow, Lance, and Cynthia gazed at the two in anticipation. "Are those two the owners?" Lance inquired.

"Nope, their just the executives officers," Mr. Goodshow whispered carefully. "Via is one of the most high-ranking executives in APWA, the owners trust her to the extent that they would let her handle all the business affairs of the company. The second one, I don't know who he is but I'm pretty sure that he's an executive of the company as well." Mr. Goodshow explained as he suppressed a shiver. "The two of you, watched your tongue, we don't want to get sued." Mr. Goodshow advised causing Lance and Cynthia to look at him in a confused expression.

"You're joking, right?" Cynthia inquired but the look that Mr. Goodshow gave her answered her question immediately.

Via and Ricardo stopped in front of the three Pokémon pioneer and in a moment and with a deep breath, Via extended her hand for a handshake and smile for all all her worth. "Mr. Goodshow, it's a pleasure to do business with you again." Via said in a sweet, professional tone causing Ricardo to roll his eyes.

'I hate that tone of voice from her.' Ricardo thought as he wished that he was in his office right now, doing the paperwork that always increases every day.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Via, the pleasure is all mine." Mr. Goodshow said as he shook Via's hand before gazing at Ricardo.

Via, seeing that gazed, lightly elbowed Ricardo, giving him a silent order, an order that he obeyed reluctantly.

With a deep sighed, Ricardo extended his hand and shook Mr. Goodshow's hands. "Ricardo, I'm a judge and the company's personal barrister and with no disrespect and to be honest with you, I don't want to be here, I'm just here to babysit this woman." Ricardo said in a deadpanned tone before diverting his gazed on the two champions. "Ms. Cynthia, Mr. Lance, it's a pleasure to see the two greatest pioneers in the Pokémon Battling Industry today but please, tell your respective fan-clubs to stop trying to maim, kill, or murder each other. The amount of cases that I receive in a year that involves your fan clubs brawling with each other is overwhelming and annoying." Ricardo stated in a deadpanned tone, causing the two champions to sweat dropped at that comment and look at him funny.

Via groaned and was really tempted to hit him across the head but held her frustration in a bud. Hitting a colleague in front of their clients isn't what a professional would do but that didn't stop her from elbowing him in the chest, quite hard I might add. "Please disregard what my partner's comments, he doesn't usually do business interaction." Via said in an apologetic tone. "Nor talk to anyone outside of a courtroom in that manner." Via added in a whisper.

"That's because I usually work inside an office, dealing with the company's legal affairs." Ricardo answered seriously before sighing. "But what the heck, I always wanted to see what interest the young master in this industry so shall we cut the chit-chat and make business." Ricardo recommended causing everyone there to nod in agreement.

"Where do you intend to do business with us, Mr. Ricardo?" Cynthia inquired in a neutral tone.

Ricardo looked thoughtful for a moment before taking out a phone. "I'll call the limo, let's talk in a restaurant. Where we sit, talk, and fill out stomachs." Ricardo exclaimed as he dialed several numbers. "And do not worry, this dinner is our treat." Ricardo added as he made his call.