
Ash and Elena watched with mild curiosity as the Sun Lake arena was filled with several trainers. Koyuki and Pikachu on the other hand wasn't even paying attention to their surroundings or their soon-to-be opponents(victims), they both knew that once Ash and Elena battle together, no one, not even an elite could beat them. That and Ash had all his elites and Elena had her best steel-types with her.

"Hey Ash, this is the second time we're going to battle side-by-side, right?" Elena inquired as Ash wrapped is arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his chest. They were in a corner so no one could see them being this close.

"Yup, the first time was when all your money was stolen by a crook and the two of us ended up entering a Pokémon tag-team tournament for you to get some cash for your vacation." Ash said with a light chuckle. "Those were the best battles of my life." Ash commented as Elena playfully pinch his cheeks.

"But that didn't stop you from beating the poor person who stole my money within an inch of his life." Elena reminded as the two chuckled a bit.

"Hey, I enjoyed the battle with you but I won't let that slip and that guy is lucky that his still alive after the beating I gave him." Ash said earning him a playful punch in the chest.

"The last time I check, that guy is still in a coma." Elena mentioned to Ash, causing him to smile in a devious manner.

"That was three months ago and Ricardo had managed to settle the legal things." Ash reminded her as his eyes suddenly landed on the entering people. "Shall we meet them or we evade." Ash inquired as Elena followed Ash's gazed and the sight of their friends made her frown.

"Evade, I don't want to share your attention right now." Elena whispered as she possessively clings on Ash's arm. Ash smiled at that as he felt a pair of eyes on them and he didn't even need to look to know who it was.

Ash gave Gary a simple gesture in order to give him a silent messaged, something that Gary understood as he blocked the two out of the groups' sight. Ash smirked as he guided Elena on the other side of the arena.

"Gary saw us, right?" Elena inquired knowingly. Ash chuckled a bit, knowing that she pick that piece of information from one of his stray thoughts. It was good news for Ash; it meant that Elena was getting comfortable with their new connection.

With Gary and the group,

"Do you guys see Ash anywhere?" Max asked as he looked around the arena. The arena was filled with a lot of people but the two people that they were searching for was nowhere to be seen.

"Elena called me early in the morning; she said that Ash and she would be here early." Adan informed them with a small smile. "And considering that the tag-team tournament is schedule today, I suggest we just wait and watch when those two battle together."Adan advised but the looks that he was receiving told him otherwise, especially the look that Sarah was giving him.

"Can't do that, Papa Dan, Elena and Ash might need my advised, especially that their forte isn't tag-team battle." Sarah exclaimed airily causing Jane to scoff.

"Don't worry about those two, idiot, they'll be fine." Jane retorted with a smug tone.

"That comment is what I expect from a no talent trainer like you." Sarah retorted as the two stared menacingly.

"For the record I am not a trainer but I could still run circles against you." Jane stated with a sneer, almost causing Sarah to snort.

"Yeah right, that was eight years ago, but now, I'll doubt if you're going to last a minute against me." Sarah stated silently as she brought out a Poke ball.

"Wanna bet on that," Jane sneered as she brought out a poke ball of her own. The two began a stare down as the people who knew down groaned and the people that barely knew them sweat dropped at the sight.

"Would you two not quarrel in a place like this?" Natasha scolded the two although the tone of voice she was using told the group that she was quite amused by this scene.

Adan sighed in frustration as he pulled the two apart. "That is enough you two, let's just go and find a place to watch the battles. I don't want to miss my two favorite people battle together." Adan exclaimed as he separated the two. "You can kill each other later but for now, let's go find a place to sit." Adan scolded as the two glared at each other with disdain and aggravation.