Tournament begins ....

With Ash's and Elena's friends,

"Have we missed their performance?" Henry asked as he, Delia, and Justin arrived. Adan sharply glared at Henry at the sight of him and her sister together before letting out a deep sighed.

"You guys just made it in time, it's their turn next." Adan pointed out with a small smile. "They certainly save the best for last." Adan commented, knowing how good those two would perform together.

"Don't get your hopes up," Misty exclaimed in a mutter. "Those two hadn't even battle together yet." Misty stated with a bitter tone.

"And not to mention that she isn't a trainer or a coordinator." Dawn added bitterly.

"But that didn't stop her from beating the three of you yesterday." Jane exclaimed, defending her sister.

"It was a fluke," May exclaimed with a high pitch tone, causing Jane to merely grin.

"It may be a fluke but a win is a win regardless of the way it is attained." Jane said in a sage like tone. "That is one of the basic laws of battles by the way." Jane added smugly as the three said trainer and coordinators glared at her with contempt.

Gary, Michael, and Karen groaned as they were forced to play mediator for the group once again.

"Would you guys come down, their names are being announced right now." Gary stated as their names was being announced by the MC.

In the Arena,

"Ladies and Gentle, after thirty-one stellar performances," Ricardo can't help but roll his eyes with that. "We are down with our last pair," Nurse Joy announced as she made a gesture towards the entrance ramp.

"Please welcome, Elena from South Light Island." Nurse Joy announced as the figure of Elena and Koyuki was shown in the screen, causing Via to almost choked on her own spit.

"What is she doing here?" Via asked loud enough to get everyone's attention but she merely ignored the attention that was gather to herself as she glared at Ricardo. "Did you know that she's here, you spineless bastard?" Via inquired harshly at the chuckling Ricardo.

"Yes, and we both know who Ms. Elena's one and only partner is." Ricardo exclaimed as a feint blush crawled on Via's face before being replace by a deep frown.

"I can't believe that little witch, having him to herself this entire time." Via muttered darkly as she sat down. The five people with them look at her with curious glance, a bit intrigue that she knew the mysterious white hair girl. "She doesn't even deserve his attention in the first place and she sure hell doesn't deserve him in anyway shape or form. But here she is, having him all to herself for her own selfish reasons; I can't believe that selfish bitch." Via muttered as she bawled her hands to a fist so hard that it was enough to draw blood.

The five individuals that didn't knew about her past look at her warily as Ricardo sighed a bit. 'Unhealthy attraction towards Ash, that's an understatement.' Ricardo thought as he grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his pocket.