Tournament pT 2

"Gengar, Ice beam," Ash ordered as their opponents' Pokémons were about to attack. Ash and Elena had steamed rolled through their first two opponents, and when I mean steamed rolled, I meant that they completely decimated their opponents like they were nothing, what's more, they did it in the span of three minutes.

"Houndoom, move to the left/Dodrio, dodge," Their opponents ordered respectively as the Pokemons dodge the powerful beamed of ice that instantly created an ice pillar.

Unfortunately for them, Elena was waiting for them to move. "Empoleon, Drill Peak on Houndoom," Elena ordered her Empoleon. Empoleon, in a flash drilled, Houndoom to the ground while spinning like a cyclone, constantly adding additional damaged to the dark/fire type Pokemon.

"Dodrio, get that Empoleon off Houndoom with Tri-attack." One of their opponents ordered frantically.

"You won't touch my beloved's Pokémon, you whelp." Ash growled silently as his Gengar's smile became even more psychotic. "Gengar, pinned Dodrio down to the grown and then use Shadow Ball." Ash ordered as Gengar lunged herself towards Dodrio, pinning all of its three heads to the ground and with a loud, terrifying laughed shoved a point black Shadow Ball onto its chest. The dark ball of energy exploded, instantly knocking Dodrio out.

"DODRIO," It's trainer yelled in dismay as Ash's Gengar walked out of the smoke with a wide psychotic smirked plastered on her face.

"Well that was quick," Elena chuckled as she glanced at Houndoom who was still being drilled to the ground by her Empoleon. "I should really end this too, this is getting boring anyway." Elena commented with a yawned as she glanced at the two people that they're going to battle later.

"Empoleon, end this with a point blank Hydro Pump." Elena ordered as her Empoleon unleashed a burst of condensed water towards the near-unconscious Houndoom, knocking the poor Pokémon out.

The referee, seeing that the match was over, in record time he might add, announced the result. "Houndoom and Dodrio are unable to battle; the winner is Ash Ketchum and Elena Koshi." The referee announced as loud cheer was heard all throughout the arena.

"Now, we will have a five minute break before the team of Ash and Elena will battle the team of Lance and Cynthia." Nurse Joy announced as the crowd began to murmur while Ash and Elena walked to the nearest bleacher.

"Ready for this?" Ash asked in a rather excited tone.

Elena chuckled at Ash's barely concealed excitement as she grabbed hold of his arm. "Let's destroy two champions, shall we." Elena mumbled, oblivious to the glares that were directed towards her by several females.