True power....

"Garchomp, let's go, Salamander Pulse." Cynthia ordered as Garchomp began lunching a barraged of crimson bombs towards Pikachu. Ash, knowing the power of those orbs, ordered Pikachu to dodge, knowing dispelling them would only cause the field to be ablaze in flames.

"Arceus I hate that move," Ash mumbled as he gazed at his clocked. "It has been five minutes since I used Dark Spark, normally, the effects would have worn off already but Pikachu is still able to used the effects." Ash observed with a frown. The aura that he was feeling around his partner was not pleasant; it was like something was trying to burst out of his little partner.

"I have to visit Pikachu's sub-space later but for now, Pikachu, Hydra." Ash stated as Pikachu suddenly spun around, generating a thick orb of lightning. Nine serpentine suddenly sprout out off the orb, each serpents hissing at the present of Garchomp before charging at her.

"What is up with you and mythology?" Cynthia inquired as she watched her Garchhomp dodge the heads of the Hydra but the attack was persistent as they chased their prey relentlessly.

"The most important person in my life is an archeologist so it's only natural for me to gain interest in history." Ash answered earning a slight blush from Elena, who was now currently battling Lance in a stand still.

"I see," Cynthia muttered in a jealous tone "Let's change your perspective, shall we. Garchpomp, Stone Meteor." Cynthia ordered. Garchomp landed on the ground before slamming her arms to the ground, causing countless pillars of stone to shot out of the ground and towards the black serpentines, the two attacks cancelled each other, much to Garchomp's relief. "Follow with Dragon's Festival." Cynthai added. Garchomp chuckled darkly as she clutched the ground tightly, causing the earth to shake for a moment as a large stone dragon rose from the ground and dashed towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu, Death Glacier," Ash ordered with a cruel chuckle. Cynthia and Lance were bewildered by that chuckled, that was until the black lightning suddenly took a shade of white on them as Pikachu blasted the entire field with a black-and-white electric attack. Koyuki, knowing that attack formed a barrier around her.

The streaks of lighting began striking randomly, and everything it hits was frozen solid, frozen. That itself impressed Cynthia and Lance as their Pokémons began rapidly dancing around the streaks of lightning, knowing that once they were hit by those, hands down, it will be all over for them.

"Seriously, how could he used an ice-type move. If my memories is correct, Pikachu can't learn a single Ice-type move." Lance inquired, already familiar on how unique techniques are made.

"I've already told you guys, Pikachu could control electricity in a quantum level, that is done by emitting a special kind of energy to manipulate the atmosphere." Ash commented, already tired on explaning his techniques to his opponents. "The attack that Pikachu is using is not an ice-type move, it is still an electric move, the reason why its freezing everything it hits is because of the effect of the atmospheric energy that the attack is causing." Ash answered as he thought of an attack to end this battle once and for all. 'I really don't like using this attack but considering my opponent has this freakishly strong dragon at her control together with her tactical knowledge.' Ash thought as he decided to wing it.

"Pikachu, let's try to end this in five songs, shall we." Ash said as Pikachu only growled, under the effects of Dark Spark, Pikachu could only respond to two things, Ash's voice and his instincts. "First Song, Elegant Static." Ash ordered. Pikachu growled as spears of lightning were suddenly generated around him, this time the spears of lightning were like black crystals. Pikachu send those spears towards Garchomp, which she dodge perfectly.

"Come on now Ash, that kind of attack won't hit my Garchomp." Cynthia commented at those slow moving spears.

"Second Song, Static Concerto," Ash said as the spears suddenly exploded around Garchomp, trapping her into a static caged, shocking Cynthia as well. "Third Song, Static Waltz." Pikachu growled loudly as streaks lightning in the shape of a katana flew out from his body and impaled their way in the cage, pinning Garchomp's appendages, limiting her mobility. "Fourth Song, Lightning Melody," Pikachu then growled loudly as orbs of lightning were slowly gathering above his mouth.

Cynthia, for once in five years, look frantic, it doesn't take a genius to know that that attack spell certain destruction even for her Garchomp.

"I'll tell you something about the Five Songs, Cynthia." Ash mumbled with a gleeful tone. "The Five Songs is one move divided into five and hence, one of the moves that I hate to use. It takes too long to execute, the melody of the electricity is deafening to listen to, and the damaged of the fifth song is difficult to clean up." Ash said in an audible tone as Pikachu unleashed a black, thick orb of condensed thunder towards Garchomp.

"Fifth Song, Hell's Cannon,"

"Garchomp, Dragon Paradise,"

(With the group)

"This battle is over," Sarah said with a sighed. "A real pity, I really wanted to see what kind of ability that Dark Spark contains." Sarah whined a bit as the group glanced at her for the third time today.

Sarah, feeling the glances of her friends, gave them all a sad look. "Dragon Paradise is the perfect defensive move. That is a defensive barrier that even I can't break." Sarah said as a bright purple light shone from where Garchomp was pinned down.

(Back to the Battle)

Truth to what she said, a dome of purple energy was suddenly erected from where Garchomp was pinned down. The dome was able to shatter the attack like glass and was able to dispel the cage and the swords that were pinning Garchomp down to the ground.

Ash was shocked at the sight of one of his most powerful attack being shattered. The Five Songs was the third strongest technique that he has.

Cynthia, seeing that Ash was in shocked, decided to finished this before things really takes a turn for the worst."Gachomp hurry up and used Fangless Meteor." Cynthia ordered, shocking Garchomp in the process.

"(I hadn't used that moved in a while)." Garchomp thought as a thick purple orb was spiraling between her hands. "(Oh well, master's orders)." Garchomp mumbled as she slammed the orb to the ground, causing a tower of spiraling purple energy to rise from the ground and head towards Pikachu.

Pikachu, not hearing any orders and the fact that the attack was so damn fast, was suddenly trapped in a spiraling orb that was slowly crushing him. The attack was also able to suppress the black lightning that was constantly leaking out of him.

Ash groaned as he searched for a move to dispel the tower that was crushing his partner. 'Think, an attack that could blow that tower away and hurry, if the Aura that I'm feeling around Pikachu is correct, Dark Spark would only last for another minute.' Ash thought as he searched for a certain technique. Ash knew that the purple tower of energy was strong enough to contain Pikachu in Dark Spark state and he also notice that it was suppressing the excess sparks that Pikachu was emitting.

Wait a minute, suppressing.! That was it.

"Pikachu, I know that this is stupid and suicidal at most but, try absorbing every excess electricity that you're generating." Ash ordered, shocking Elena beside him. Ash had said that absorbing that much potent energy was dangerous. "Cynthia had just given us the means to master Dark Spark," Ash stated in an excited tone.

Pikachu's eyes widen considerably as he began absorbing the excess electricity that his body was generating. Normally, it would hurt every inch of his body but now, the feeling was pleasant. Pikachu allowed a smirk crawled on his face as his body erupted with black electricity and dark energy, destroying the pillar of energy that was crushing his body. The black electricity and Dark energy began morphing into a humanoid shape, a silhouette that was all too familiar with Ash.

"Elena, stay behind me for a while and order Koyuki to use Aura Pulsation and Aura Aurora in quick succession." Ash ordered as he stepped in front of his beloved.

"That light is meant for an evolution right?" Elena asked in curiosity.

"More or less," Ash answered in a grimed tone.