Secret Is Out......

Via narrowed her eyes on Elena as she leaned closed to her. "Ash would have been mine if he hadn't met you." Via whispered with a shaky tone.

"Ash would never stoop to your level, you brown haired slut." Elena insulted, shocking Sarah who had never heard her sister insult someone.

"You dare insult me, you white haired harlot." Via hissed as she clenched her hand into a fist.

"Via, enough," Ash ordered as he stood up and glanced at Via. Via instantly tensed as she glanced at Ash who had his eyes narrowed at her. "I've told you countless of times, you shouldn't insult Elena in front of me, you may be talent at what you do but you are not expendable, just very hard to replace." Ash said in a tone that was meant for business.

Via flinched at that before bowing her head. "I'm sorry, young master," Via apologized as she bowed her head, Sarah, Lance and Cynthia was taken back at that. Why did the crazy pedophile refer to Ash as young master.

Ash sighed, seeing that their secret was off the bag. Having two geniuses in one room really suck. "Ricardo, bring the limo around." Ash ordered as Ricardo nodded.

"As you wish, young master," Ricardo replied as he headed to the exit.

"And please take Via with you," Ash added as he massaged his temple. "I have a lot of explaining to do." Ash mumbled as Ricardo grabbed a handful of Via's hair, dragging her away.

"I have feet you know," Via hissed as Ricardo glared at her.

"Three years they kept this secret, but you blow it off in thirty seconds." Ricardo commented with a disappointed tone. "This is a new level stupidity, even for you." Ricardo exclaimed as he he existed the room , leaving a very shell shock room.

"That was, interesting." Sarah mumbled, making mental not to slap that brunette when given the chance.

Ash instantly wrapped an arm around Elena's shoulder as he leaned to her ear. "You okay, love?" Ash inquired in a gentle tone.

"I hate that bitch." Elena mumbled as she leaned on Ash.

"I know," Ash replied as Cynthia cleared her throat, catching Ash's attention.

"Ricardo and Via told us that they knew the two of you but could you tell us why they called you Young master?" Cynthia inquired curiously.

Ash sighed as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. "Do you guys know who the owners of APWA are?" Ash suddenly asked and the group, no matter how staggering the appearance of that woman who threw herself at Ash, can't help but nod. "You guys are looking at the co-founders, co-owners, and co-CEO of APWA." Ash said as the room suddenly turned deadly silence.

"You are the owner of that company?" Lance asked in shocked as Ash shook his head, he didn't expected that.

Ash shook his head as he bowed at Lance. "You aren't listening to me, Elena and I owned the company together." Ash repeated himself as they heard a clap from behind.

"Well that explains a lot of things." Jane commented as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Tell me more, please."