I am Rich....

Adan took a deep breath as he tried not to throw up at her sister's behavior. "I cannot believe I'm related to her." Adan muttered under his breath as he watched her sister flirt with Henry in disgust.

"Your life suck," Natasha commented as she tried to ignore her collogue and former friend's interaction. "Alex and Relena are probably rolling in their graves right now." Natasha mumbled in disappointment.

"Even in death, you still loved him." Adan muttered with a small, sad smile. "For a woman of your caliber, you are quite foolish." Adan added with a chuckle.

Natasha chuckled at that as well. "The same goes for you, you can have any woman you want but you refused to look at another woman when Relena died." Natasha commented with a humorously tone.

Adan smiled at that. "I truly envy Ash." Adan muttered as he turned his gazed towards Natasha.

"I truly envy Elena as well." Natasha replied casually. "Fate is cruel, the love of our lives chose a different lover, and the lover that they picked didn't even cherish them the way that we did. Alexander had a wonderful son with Delia, and Relena conceived three beautiful daughters with Henry." Natasha stopped at that as she chuckled once again.

"The only son of Alexander and the youngest daughter of Relena being lovers is the most ironic thing I've ever seen in my life." Adan continued with a small smile. "Those two were like siblings, heck, they were so close that some of us thought that they will both end up together, a pity we were wrong."

"Yeah," Natasha mumbled in agreement. "I would have gladly lost Alexander to Relena."

There was a short silence after that as the two contemplated about their love life. "So, what do you say we get out of here and get some dinner?" Adan offered as Natasha nodded.

"Your treat," Natasha told them as they turned their backs on their former friends.

"Always," Adan muttered as they head to the exit but stop when a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. "Ash?"

They were startled as Ash suddenly appeared in front of them, flank by Brock and Gary, both of them confused on why they were with him in the first place. "Uncle, Natasha, follow me." Ash said to them in a very grim tone.

"Is something wrong?" Adan asked worriedly while Ash merely shrugged.

"It's complicated." Ash said with a tone that gave them the idea that he won't answer any more questions. "Just follow me; I have a lot of explaining to do." Ash told them as he snapped his fingers. Before their eyes, a human size, roman-style mirror appeared in front of them.

Normally, they would be shock by this but decided that because it was Ash, they just labeled the occurrence as normal for him. "Follow me," Ash told them again as he walked into the mirror.

"What the hell?" Brock muttered as he pointed at the mirror. "Did Ash just enter a mirror?" Brock asked in surprised.

"The better question is how Ash created the mirror out of thin air." Gary muttered as he inspected the mirror.

Adan coughed a bit as he warily looked at the mirror. "Who wants to go first?" Adan asked silently as he gazed at Natasha.

"Don't look at me, I'd love to know more about Aura Guardians and their practices but I am not going to walk into anything I have no knowledge of." Natasha replied uneasily as she gazed at Gary.

"I'm his childhood friend but I am not stupid, you can't convince me to enter that mirror even if you pay me." Gary then glanced at Brock.

"I am not good with mirrors." Brock instantly said, and before they could argue some more, four hands made out of glass shot out from the mirror and pulled all four of them simultaneously into the mirror.

A spiral of silver light blinded their sight as they suddenly fell face first on hard pavement. "When I say enter the mirror, you enter the mirror." Ash told them with a frown.

The four rubbed their heads as they stood up. They instantly noticed that they were now outside of the arena. "Hey Ash, how did you teleport us out of the arena?" Gary asked curiously as he watched the mirror that they went through shatter.

"Moonlight Element, a royal Element that Aura Princes can have access to." Ash explained casually as he pointed at the limo. "Get in," Ash told them as he open the door, to their surprise, Elena, Sarah, Jane, two region champions was inside the limo and two others that they did not recognize.

"I'm almost afraid to ask, but how did you afford the limo?" Gary asked as he glanced at the luxurious limo in front of him.

"I'm rich, end of story." Ash told them before smiling dryly. "But if you want an explanation, you guys will get in the limo, no questions asked." Ash told them as he entered the limo and sat beside Elena.

Adan sighed as he followed his nephew and sat beside Jane. Natasha followed soon and sat beside Sarah, whom looked excited for some reason. Brock and Gary glanced at each other for a moment before entering the limo.

Ricardo closed the door and motion for the driver to now head to their destination. When the limo began moving, a conversation began.

"So, who are these two?" Adan asked as he gazed at the two strangers that he had never met nor seen before.

Elena sighed, deciding to start this awkward meeting. "This is Ricardo, and the annoying brunette is Via (Via glared venomously at Elena at that insult), they are the head executives of APWA." Elena started as Natasha raised an eyebrow at that.

"You're the executives of the company that is funding this event?" Gary asked confusedly as the two nodded.

"I'm Executive President of Business Relations, and Ricardo is the company's Private Lawyer, and the COO of the company." Via elaborated thoughtfully.

"In other words, when the owners are away, these two are in charge of the day to day operations of the company." Ash added with a smile. "They are the best and the most trusted subordinates any boss could dream off." Ash complimented as the two mention smiled at him, Via mostly gazed at him with outright lust and admiration.

Elena noticed that and added her two cents. "They are very efficient; sadly, the woman over there is a pedophile." Elena said, earning her another glare from Via but she did not retort. Last time she bad mouthed her, Ash had snapped at her very violently.

"Okay, that's good to know and all, but why are we here?" Adan asked as he narrowed his eyes at Via. He did not like the way she was looking at Ash or at Elena.

"Apparently," Jane spoke as she gazed at the couple across her. "These two over here are the owners of the said company." Jane said, much to the surprised of the four new comers.

After a moment of silence, Gary spoke as he pointed at Ash and his girlfriend. "You're joking, right?" Gary mumbled but Jane merely shook her head while Sarah grinned, the champions looked curiously at Ash, completely ignoring Elena.

"I'll explain when we get to the restaurant." Ash said before any more questions were fired at him.