Reason To Hate......

The morning arrived too fast for Elena's taste, and she did not have a very good night. Apparently, Ash disappearing from the plane was not a normal occurrence to them and instantly asked her where he went. Elena, being the faithful lover that Ash had fallen in love with, merely shrugged and told them that he had personal business to take care of. That did not go well for those who did not know of Ash's special case, namely Sarah, the champions, and Via, but those who knew of his special case helped her convince them that Ash was okay and they should just believe her. That did not extinguish their curiosity but all of them, albeit Via was still annoyingly persistent, let it go. She was currently in a diner where she was treating her two sisters for breakfast.

"Why am I paying for your meals again?" Elena asked as she slowly ate her pancakes while her two sisters enjoy a variety of food.

"Technically, your rich, we're not, we're related, and you love us." Sarah said with a smile as she giddily devours her favorite ice cream.

"That and this is your punishment for not telling us, we could have help and you could have fired that Via woman." Jane stated as she cut a piece of beef. "Hey, you are not the one to hate someone so much, so why do you hate her so much anyway?" Jane asked curiously.

There was a loud snapping sound as Elena's older sisters glanced at her curiously as she adopted a very dark expression. "That woman stole a kiss from Ash, that's all the reason I need to hate her until my death bed." Elena exclaimed as she uses her new found strength, courtesy of being the mistress of an Aura Prince, to snap the bread knife in her hands. The memory, that damn memory still gives her nightmares. That woman almost cost her, the most wonderful man on the planet, and for that, Via earned her never-ending hatred.

Unknown to her, Sarah narrowed her eyes. "I hate her too." Sarah said, earning her a disappointed look from Jane.

"Hey, the woman got lucky with the brat, unlike you." Jane commented humorously, thought she regretted those words as she felt a heavy presence crushing her, and she wasn't the only one, Sarah felt that dark presence and was force to silence. Everyone in the diner suddenly felt that the temperature of the room suddenly dropped several degrees.

"Don't. Ever. Say. That. Again." Elena hissed as Koyuki and Pikachu, who stayed behind to protect Elena, tried to calm her down. There was a reason Elena rarely gets angry, she may not look like it but her anger surpasses Ash's anger by leaps and bounds, Aura Abilities be damned. And now that Elena has access to Ash's Aura Reserves, and small knowledge towards the basic Aura Techniques, she became even more terrifying.

Jane nodded as she felt sweat pouring down her forehead. Damn, she never would have thought that her sister could this be terrifying when angry. She felt somebody elbowing her ribs and instantly glance at Sarah. "You know as good as anyone how scary she is when angered, so don't provoke her, idiot." Sarah whispered with an uncomfortable tone.

"I know, don't remind me, stupid." Jane mumbled as the temperature returned to normal as Koyuki and Pikachu successfully calmed Elena down.

After a moment of silence, Sarah spoke. "So, about my funding….." Sarah trailed off.

"If you're going to sink another island it's not going to happen." Elena told her firmly.

"Come on now Elena that was an accident." Sarah whined as Jane snorted.

"Yeah right," Jane snickered as Sarah glared at her while Elena shook her head. Apparently, her genius of a sister had apparently never experienced being chased around by an enraged Lugia before.

"Still, I have several interesting research projects that needs proper funding, and the last company that funded my study did not provide me with the right equipment." Sarah noted as she gave her favorite sister a pleading look.

Elena sighed at that. "I'll talk to him, but no promises." Elena said as the three sisters continue their meal.

"HEY SARAH," Elena groaned softly after hearing that voice. She heard it only once but she knows who the voice belongs to and she knew that it will only lead her to have a major headache.

"Please tell me that isn't one of Ash's lady friends." Elena begged but Jane could only shake her head.

"Sorry sis, but no such luck." Jane said, pitying her younger sister. Jane knew that this would be the beginning of a very annoying drama.

With a soft sigh, Elena looked at the newcomer and watched Sarah had a short conversation with Misty. "Great, it's the first girl." Elena muttered as she listened in to the conversation of her sister and Misty.

"So what are you guys doing here anyway?" Sarah asked with a small, cheerful smile.

"Well, we decided that we'd have a picnic before heading to the stadium to watch the single battles." Misty explained with a smile of her own. "By the way, do you know where Ash is? We haven't seen him since yesterday?" Misty asked rather worriedly.

Sarah's smile faltered a bit as she shook her head. "Sorry, but after Ash treated us to dinner, he disappeared suddenly." Sarah answered before gazing at Elena. "Elena said that Ash has some business to attend to, so ask her." That instantly caused Misty to look at the white haired girl darkly.

Misty frowned as she heard the name that she had learned to despised before narrowing her eyes at the sight of Elena, which Elena answered by looking at Misty with a bored expression. "Where's Ash?" Misty asked with a sharp tone, trying to intimidate the girl that Ash seems to be so fond off.

Elena wasn't even fazed as she answered her as calmly as possible. "Like I told my sisters, Ash had some business to take care of, I don't know where, but he'll come back as soon as that business is done." Pikachu then jumped on Elena's shoulder and glanced at Misty, startling her a bit. Pikachu's eyes change from brown to red and they were now slits, much to Misty's confusion.

"That's Ash's Pikachu, isn't it?" Misty asked as she glanced at the familiar yellow Pokémon.

"Of course," Elena answered with a triumphant smile as she patted Pikachu's head. "Ash said that Pikachu should stay with me since the battle he had yesterday took a lot out of him, he trusts me after all." Elena said with a smug smile causing Misty to growl at her. In all her years of knowing Ash, he never trusted her or any of their friends with taking care of his prize pokemon.

"I see," Misty muttered in irritation before forcing herself to smile. "Would you like to join us for a simple meal?" Misty asked her with a force smile.

Elena smiled sharply at Misty as she stood up, her eyes narrowed at her. "Of course," Elena said as she stood up and glared at Misty right in the eye. "I would love to." Elena added her voice as sharp as a blade.