Irresistible Love.....

Jane, or J to those who hates her, cannot believe how wonderful her sister's life had become in the last three years. Her sister was currently dating a man that can be consider a prince, the said prince was treating her like a Goddess every time they are together, and not to mention, her sister was the co-owner of one of the most successful company in the five regions, which means she's pretty much loaded and set for life.

"I hate it when Ricardo goes overboard." Elena sighed as Koyuki poured her and Jane a glass of wine. The two were currently inside of a private room, filled with expensive drinks and high class food. There was also a large TV in the room, which Elena uses to watch her two rivals performance. "To think, my Ash wasted his valuable time teaching those two how to become adequate in their careers." Elena grumbled under her breath, annoyance evident in her voice.

Jane was startled by this; she had never seen her sister hate someone so much, although, she did understand her hatred towards that woman that works for her and Ash. That woman needs to learn how to not touch someone who doesn't belong to her. "You know, if you want, I can get rid of those annoyances." Jane offered with an understanding tone.

"Don't bother," Elena grumbled before a fond smile grace her lips. "I love him; I love Ash so much that I can endure fending off all of those who admire him." Elena commented with a determine tone.

Jane actually snorted at that. "Come on now sis, I already know that." She replied with an amused tone. "But still, you're a woman and having to watch so many girls fighting for your man, it must be painful." Jane said solemnly while Elena chuckle bitterly.

"It is painful; believe it or not, it is painful to watch girls fighting over my beloved like he is some kind of prize to be won." Elena then drank her wine glass empty before continuing. "I know that he cannot help the way he acts towards other people and he is rather irresistible, he possesses all the traits a woman would love to see in a man. He is handsome, noble, smart…" Elena began to list all of the lovable traits that her Ash possesses much to Jane's discomfort.

After a minute of hearing all those compliments that her sister was giving her boyfriend, Jane desperately covered her sister's mouth with one of her hands. "Ok, I get it, I get it, your guy is amazing, no need to rub it in." Jane groaned much to Elena's amusement. "But you still hadn't answered my question, how could you stomach those girls eyeing your man, and while you're at it, can you tell me how you could sleep at night when the person that you love so much is so far away from you with a girl travelling with him?" Elena's smile faltered a bit as she gave her sister a very sincere glance.

"Did I ever tell you the time when I almost lost my chance of being his lover?" Elena asked, earning her the complete attention of her sister, who thought that her sister and her boyfriend were already deeply in love when they first lay their eyes at each other. "I spend six months of my first vacation spending as much time with him as possible, mind you, those times I spent with him were few and not that long, but still, those times I spent falling in love with him are memories that would be forever be engrave in my heart and memories." Elena began fondly.

"Every time I look in his eyes, I can see a life, a happy life with him. Every time I'm with him, he treats me like a Goddess; you have no idea how happy I am in those six months." A sad expression crossed her face as she fought back the tears that threaten to fall. "In my last days with him, I almost throw my opportunity away." That startled Jane a bit, she almost thrown away the most ideal man in the planet. This she has to hear.

"When my vacation nears its end, I became afraid, I was afraid that he would forget me, I was afraid of losing the bond that we made, I was afraid at the thought of him being with another woman. I've realize that I have already fallen for him, how hard, I didn't know, but I did know one thing, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him, and I almost ruined it." Elena then thought of the day that she had almost lost the current paradise that she was currently enjoying. "A week before my return, at the end of the Hoenn League, I slept in the same bed WITH Ash. He was embracing me (Jane almost fell off her chair when she heard that before screaming "YOU WHAT" and was promptly ignored), having him hold me so close was an amazing experience but it was almost a nightmare for me. All my fears surging through my body as the warmth that Ash's embrace was giving me. I love my job and I was foolish to think that I love my profession more than I love Ash, I was stupid enough to think that because of our different profession that we cannot be together." Elena, to her sister's surprise, threw the wine glass at the wall, shattering the glass on impact.

"Because of my foolishness and my lack of courage, I almost lost my paradise." Elena shivered in dread at that. "I ran and ran like a coward for days, I ran from Ash, and you have no idea how much I hurt myself and him by doing that. I broke his heart and I shattered mine, I left him without even saying so much as a goodbye. By doing that, I should have earned his hatred." Elena then suddenly smiled. "The eve before my schedule arrival in South Light, I visited the first place where I and Ash met, the place where our eyes first met." Elena closed her eyes as a tear fell from the corner of her eyes before retelling the story of their first kiss to her eager sister.