Inkigayo Sandwich With Ginger Lemonade

As days went by, Aalto became accustomed to this place. I take him to near by shops to buy the ingredients. We even went to watch a movie two days ago. It was first time for him. He learned so many things in these past days. I am impressed by his growth. It's like I am raising a child.

He can take orders from the customers without feeling shy. He can talk freely with them. Besides that he helps me in the kitchen. He can't cook anything but he helps me with cutting, mixing and other stuffs.

My cafe is getting more crowded these days. I mean, I did have people coming to my cafe before but now the amount is doubled. It's all thanks to Aalto. His charming looks attracts my female customers. They basically comes here to see Aalto.

God bless his handsome face!

It's around the evening time. Aalto is taking care of the customers. Right now I'm preparing the next order which Inkigayo Sandwich.

First I sliced a cucumber thinly, without the seeds. It shouldn't be way too thin, since I want the crunch. Next I added the salt and left it aside.

I sliced the cabbage as thinly as possible. If I keep it too thick, it will be hard to chew. Now I will chop the imitation crab meat. Grabbing onto a bowl, I put the sliced cabbage, imitation crab meat in it. Then I added a good amount of mayonnaise along with ketchup. Mayonnaise can make anything taste good. I just love it. A pinch of cracked black pepper then it's time to mix everything well. I kept the cabbage salad aside.

Now let's make the potato salad. I grabbed the potatoes which are boiled in salt water. After peeling those soft potatoes, I mash them in a bowl.

Next ingredient is egg. I took the boiled eggs in the bowl, mashing them with a fork. The potatoes and the eggs are mashed together into a paste like consistency.

Let's check the cucumber. They are leaking water. I took out the cucumber, squeezing them with my hand to get rid of the water. The cucumber is added with the mixture of potatoes and eggs. Now I'll add mayonnaise, salt, and black pepper. Mix them together to assure that it is properly seasoned.

My element are done. I just have to assemble the sandwich. The edge of the bread needs to be trimmed. The sandwich has three layers. In the bottom we put the potato salad. The middle part gets a thick layer of strawberry jam. On the top we add the cabbage salad. Then I wrap the sandwich firmly with plastic wrap. Before serving it to my customer, I threw it in the freezer. That way the jam will make the bread soft.

Sandwich is done. I need to make the ginger lemonade. It's a really easy drink. Actually most of my drinks and shakes are super easy and less time consuming. I don't like making my customers wait. First I put a slice of ginger and lemon in the bottom of the glass. I smash it a little so the flavours will come out. Then I fill the glass with ice cubes. On the top I put a string of fresh rosemary and thyme. Now goes in the ginger lemon syrup along with soda water. I put the straw inside and my lemonade is done.

I took out the sandwich from the freezer and cut in half.

The Inkigayo Sandwich is really popular here. This is the seventh time I'm getting this order in the whole day. Since I keep the eggs and potatoes boiled beforehand, I can quickly prepare it.

Anyway let's go serve it to my customer.

When I went there I saw something peevish. Aalto was busy talking with a customer. Meanwhile two girls, who were apparently sitting behind him, they were trying to take his picture without him noticing. I hate this type of turbulent behaviour. They seem to be high school seniors or college students. The grin on their face clearly shows it that they are literally lusting over my sweet boy.

Oh no! Don't you dare you to take pics of Aalto!

I quickly went there and confronted them.

" I'm sorry but you can't take someone's picture without their permission." Keeping my mawkish tone hidden with the fake smile I spoke to those girls. They were surprised by my sudden appearance. Ha! You were not expecting to see me, right? Their eyes were filled with embarrassment as they were caught red handed.

" W-we are sorry."

" It was wrong of us to do this." The girls apologised bowing their heads in shame, trying to hide their eyes from me. I can tell that they meant no harm. Back in those days, I have done the same thing.

It's understandable. I found Aalto was looking at me. He is probably wondering what is going on. Waving my hand, I told him to come here.

" It's okay. Now give me your phone." The girls stared at me in daze. They seem confused by my words.

" What? Don't you wanna take pictures with him?" Chuckling softy, I asked. The vexation is no longer in my mind.

" Thank you Unnie!" Finally they smiled with a sigh of relief. Aalto stood in the middle. I clicked their pics and handed back the phone.

" Next time, don't take someone's picture without their consent. Just ask them, okay?" Rather than scaring or scolding those girls, I decided to handle it calmly. Well, my judgement was correct.

" Yes, we will. You are so nice Unnie. Sorry again for doing something like that."

" Yeah, if we knew you were so nice, we would have just asked you." The girls aren't frighten or worried.

" It's fine." Yeah, as long you keep on coming to my cafe I'm totally fine with anything.

" By the way, Oppa are you an idol?" Woah there, where did that embarrassment went? They look perfectly normal.

" No." Aalto replies meekly.

" Oh really!"

" Sorry to disappoint you." Their astonishing faces were faded by the unexpected answer. Aalto is breathtakingly handsome. This guy attracts girls like a freaking magnet.

" We have to take care of other customers. Let's go." I took Aalto's hand and walked away from there. If he stays there, they will ask him more questions.

" Thanks." Gripping my hand gently, Aalto mumbles into my ear. When did he got so close? I felt flushed as his breathing touched my ear. It made me feel weird.

" N-No problem." I somehow managed to control the tone of my voice.

What is happening with me these days? Sometimes I feel so flushed around Aalto. He has become a good friends of mine. I have never met someone like him in my whole life. A guy who's so gentle and kind. A guy who's smile is innocent like a child. Every time he laughs, my heart beats faster. The way he states at me curiously when I cook, it makes me happy. He had become a part of my life. These trivial things makes me wonder.

What will happen if Aalto leaves?

Will I ever see him again?

Will he remember me?

~ to be continued

Oppa - Older brother

Unnie - Older sister