The day passed normally, with Lan Xiang sleeping all day, annoying the teachers but not enough to warrant them to wake him up. A few more weeks were all they needed to endure... until this bastard student would finally get expelled.
In the blink of an eye, it was the last subject once more.
Pre Calculus.
Lan Xiang squirmed into a comfortable position, burying his head further into the desk.
The teacher wrote a problem on the board. "Can anyone solve this problem?"
No one raised their hands. Even Ren Weiwei, the top scorer in their class, didn't know the answer.
"Come on guys, we just discussed this last week."
The teacher shook his head. These students aren't Class D for no reason. He caught a glimpse of the sleeping Lan Xiang.
"Someone wake Student Lan up." The teacher was confident that Lan Xiang could answer the question. He could still recall Lan Xiang's concise solutions to the faux test he gave his student last week.
The student beside Lan Xiang awkwardly nudged him, waking him up.
"Hm, huh? Wha, what is it?"
"The teacher told you to wake up."
Ever since the Xie Jian fiasco, Lan Xiang's image in the eyes of the students fell even lower. As such, the student was not comfortable talking to a notorious student like Lan Xiang.
"Student Lan, would you walk up to the board and solve this question, please?"
All over the classroom, students drew sharp breaths as Lan Xiang was called. The last time this happened, everyone felt second-hand embarrassment, even the teacher.
Lan Xiang's eyebrows scrunched up. He kind of forgot that he was still not finished with school.
With a sigh, he walked to the board and grabbed the marker from the teacher.
While the teacher was excited to see someone finally tackle the challenge of solving the math problem, the students sneered.
"Trash Xiang got the marker so confidently, it almost fooled me."
"That wasn't confidence, it exuded an aura of... 'Let me get this over with'."
"So he accepted that he won't be able to answer any question ever then."
Ren Weiwei bit her lip. She remembered that Lan Xiang made a bet with her, that if he failed to pass the next exams, he would do anything she requested.
She was conflicted. If he failed, she would have an opportunity, but she would feel bad. If he succeeded, she would be proud, but she would have lost the bet.
By the time she finished thinking, Lan Xiang walked back from the whiteboard and sat down to resume his sleep.
All of the students went silent. Could it be that they were cringing so hard right now, it shut them up?
Ren Weiwei looked at the whiteboard, and she, too, ended up with her jaw agape.
The solution on the whiteboard was clean and precise, telling of Lan Xiang's grasp of the topic.
"Good, very good, Student Lan! Take an example from him, all of you!"
What, you aren't shocked he was able to answer the question? The students looked incredulously at the teacher.
"It, it was probably just a fluke." "Yeah, he read this specific topic, but he doesn't know anything else about it." "Oh, so that's how it is, I get it..."
While the students tried to work out what had happened, the teacher explained Lan Xiang's solution and gave one more problem.
"So? Who wants to answer this one?"
Despite the teacher's best attempts, no one raised their hands. The entire class was so silent, only Lan Xiang's snores could be heard.
As the teacher looked at Lan Xiang, Ren Weiwei thought that he was pitiful. To be sleeping so soundly like that, he must be very tired.
In the end, she raised her hand and tried her best to answer the question, recalling Lan Xiang's solution in her mind.
To her delight, the teacher praised her as she answered it correctly!
In the end, he exited the classroom despondently. For the rest of the time, all of the students seemed like they had their mouths sewn shut.
On his way to the classroom, the class adviser saw the precal teacher's expression. "Hm? Why do you look so... dispirited? No one listened to you?"
"Yeah, only two students actually understood my lesson. I, I don't know who is incompetent, me or them."
"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure it's them. Hahaha!"
He entered the classroom, expecting everyone to be making noise, only to shut up once they saw him. To his surprise, all of his students were silent. They seemed to be in deep contemplation.
The only one making noise was Lan Xiang, whose drool flowed down his armchair and onto the floor.
"Someone wake Student Lan up." The adviser creased his eyebrows. This student is so incompetent! I'm glad he has a little less than a month remaining here.
The words that the adviser uttered snapped the students out of their daze.
The student beside Lan Xiang nudged him once more, only this time he was more cautious about it.
"Hm, huh? Wha, what is it?"
"The teacher told you to wake up."
Seeing this scene, the students got a strange sense of deja vu...
"Okay, class. Pay attention!
"Have you all started studying for your final exams?"
"No!" "Final exams? What is that?" "When is it again?"
"Ai, you're all hopeless. It's next week. Remember that after that, there will a practical exam in cultivation.
"The passing grade there is to reach at least Elemental Awareness Realm. If you haven't, work hard for next week."
"Elemental Awareness? Crap, I haven't even reached Half-Step..."
The students all panicked. They were in Class D for a reason.
Meanwhile, Ren Weiwei wasn't worried at all. She had already reached the third level, Hidden Qi realm. Of course, she couldn't compare to those Class A monsters, who were already on the fifth or sixth level.
She caught a glimpse of Lan Xiang. "He's already at Attribution Form despite his... questionable talent. I also need to work hard!"
A recollection of the last three months started to play in Ren Weiwei's mind.
She didn't resent her life back when she was fat. It was their choice to ignore her, why should she care? The most important factor was that even though she only had one friend, that friend treated her very kindly. Before she knew it, she had developed a crush on Lan Xiang.
Of course, she didn't dare confess. While she shrugged off the opinions of others on her body weight, she couldn't do the same when it came to him. Obviously, he preferred thinner girls...
Since that was the case, she exercised day and night until her parents caught wind of it and stopped her from exercising.
"You'll know in due time," they said.
When news broke out that Lan Xiang was in a coma, she got anxious. She needed to put her focus onto other things, and that ended up being cultivation.
One night, when she broke through the second level, she was shocked. Her entire body changed, from a morbidly obese girl to one that everyone desired.
It was then that she found out that her mother and father intentionally overfed her because the Ren family technique required lots and lots of fat to break through the second level, the Body Building Realm. Her father even told her than when he broke through, he became extremely thin and almost died, due to him ignoring his parents and cultivating Ren family technique.
Her entire life changed at that point, from being ignored and sometimes mocked, to everyone fawning for her and making friends with her.
Of course, she ignored them all, as did they when she was fat. Why did they start treating her differently now? Were they that shallow?
The three transfer students then arrived, and they made friends with her immediately.
While she was reminiscing, the teacher continued talking.
"I also need to remind you. All of you know that there will be a tournament after the exams, but this one isn't graded and is just for fun. There'll also be prizes, so make sure to work hard!"
Although he said that, the teacher was crying inside.
The adviser of the class who gets the top student receives a prize as well! Why did I get stuck with his hopeless Class D...