007 The Dream team 2

Thirty minutes later Liu Qiaoqiao arrived at her apartment. After typing in the password, the door unlocked. She got into her apartment and shut the door gently.

"Qiao Qiao!! Liu Qinyang screamed running into her arms

"Hey there Munchkins. How was your trip" She said, smiling, wrapping her hands around her for a minute before placing her hands on Qinyang's shoulder and walking forward?

Liu Qinyang had changed into her comfortable leisure clothes. Summer in B city was usually super hot as opposed to other cities in China so she changed into a tank top and shorts.

"It was so Good. The city is way cooler than B city. I have only been back a few hours and I already feel like I'm in a heated pot"

"okay superstar, I need to stop you right there. Today is much cooler than other days, You will soon get used to the heat. Have you eaten? she said as they walked over to their couch.

"Not since yesterday, I have to watch my weight. The company's stylist complained that I added a few pounds'' Liu Qinyang said sitting cross-legged on the couch

"ouch sucks to be you," Liu Qiao Qiao said raising her legs to her shoulder and resting her head on her upraised knees.

"You're one to talk to, don't you just get signed by a company? You're no longer a free agent Qiao Qiao. You are officially back in the game, this could be you in the future"

"Yes, it could not that I would mind that. After my one-year hiatus, I would welcome that gladly" she replied.

"We'll see if you will say that when you are put on a diet that only allows you to eat protein shakes and only a bird-sized plate of solid food," Liu Qinyang said resting her head back on the back of the couch with a sigh.

"Damn that 's bad. I don't want to be you right now".

"No you do not and here is where it gets worse. I have a live appearance at a popular talk show tomorrow afternoon. Win Yantian is currently on the warpath.

She even threatened to shadow me just so she can make sure I don't eat something I shouldn't"

"Finally you tell the truth," Liu Qiao Qiao said smiling.

"Hey, that's not fair. you're only saying this because you don't have any work yet. Let's see if you will be smiling by the end of the week"

"Well until then it sucks to be you," She said walking over to the kitchen in a sing-song voice.

She opened the fridge and got out a bowl of Ice cream. She wished to get back to Liu Qinyang yesterday. What better way to do that than to eat her favorite ice cream right in front of her.

Right when she's on a diet. Revenge was a dish best served cold, strawberry ice cream cold.

"That's so mean Qiaoqiao. Grrrr, I am so going to get you back for this" Liu Qinyang said as she watched Liu Qiaoqiao scoop a spoon of the super creamy strawberry ice cream into her mouth.

"I'll be waiting" She teased with a wink

"So what kept you up. I thought you just went over to sign a contract"

"You of all people should know that things don't always go as planned when you are called into the company. I stayed back for a meeting with the artist director Meng Ling and the PR department head Cai Jie"

"wow shut up The artist director of Baiyu studios is Meng Ling and the head of the PR department is PR goddess Cai Jie."

"Yup What's the big deal"

"What's the big deal..... Qiao Qiao, you pretty much have the dream team working with you. Do you know how many people would kill for an opportunity to work with those two? They're the legendary management team, gosh your future is set. If you don't succeed I don't know who will"

"Are they that much of a big deal?

"Yes, they are, the best of the best. A lot of companies have been trying to recruit them but they never could become the both of them are frighteningly loyal.

Cai Jie has been friends with Lu Zhiyuan and Shen Xue since their days in the boy band THE FIVE. She is very loyal to them, so loyal that joined them when they started up their company.

As for Meng Ling, she is friends with Bai Zhenzhen and Shen Xue. They are both Legends I'm their field, wow, I almost envy you"

"Just almost? she teased


"Okay am only kidding. I had no idea they were such a big deal, wow Baiyu studios are pulling all the stops for me. I hope I don't disappoint them"

"You wouldn't. Why, because you are super talented. So chin up Qiaoqiao"

"Yes, fighting"

"Well let's go leave our mark in the world okay"

"Let's do that"

"So have you told mum and dad the good news? no, don't answer that just yet I think I can already guess the answer is that question.

If you did tell mum and dad I and every single relative we have would have heard about that by now.

We wouldn't even have any time to sit down and talk before our door would be a revolving door of visitors" Liu Qian said.

"That's so true mum just can't keep anything to herself"

"Yeah she would tell it to anyone and everyone around her"

"So apart from the TV show guest gigs, what next"

"I have only a week's rest before the kickoff promotion of my new EP (Extended play record) speaking of that I will have to spend a few days with mum and dad. My schedule will soon be hectic. I don't know if I will be able to come by often"

"that's so true mum has been complaining how you haven't visited lately," Liu Qiao Qiao said

"it's been a while. Hopefully, with the EP done, I will have more free time. I can't believe that very soon You will also be very busy too just like the good old days.

I missed coming back during the day after practice and seeing you asleep on the couch because you had to practice till late in the night.

Do you miss hiding your snacks from your manager or sneaking out in the middle of the night to buy junk food"

"Okay that was so funny, the sneaking around was something else. one would think we were carrying top-secret files and not a packet of chips.

I can't wait to fall back into the familiar habit of apartment, studio, photoshoot, and concert. Those were the days.

I don't miss the frequent weight checks and unhealthy sleep schedules though"

"You're in luck since you are now a solo artist. You're no longer bound to the packed-up schedule of an idol that left little or no space for one to have a personal life. I can't remember when last I went on a date"

"Thank you, Lord, for that with your track record no one else will meet another Zhu Lim thank you very much. you have horrible taste in men"

"That's not ....yep that's so true"

"Finally you admit it. That's good, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem"

"Yeah yeah, I have a problem. At least I give guys a chance. When was the last time you dated anyone since Shao Yulin? When was the last time you went on a date" she said looking forward, seeing Liu Qiao Qiao's expression she said surprised

"Oh my, you're kidding right. You haven't

dated ai since then. That was three years ago Qiaoqiao, wow you're loyal"

"no, I am not. I've just been too busy to date"

"At this point, you just might end up making dad's dream come true and ending up with Elder brother Yongliang "

"What's wrong with that last I checked Elder brother Yongliang is quite the catch"

"Of course he is just not for you. You deserve more than to settle for him just to make dad happy"

"It's getting late to Qinyang. let's get ready to head back home" she said, setting down her empty bowl and standing.

She picked up the bowl and began walking towards the kitchen.

"We are not done talking about this Qiao Qiao, not even a little," Liu Qinyang said loudly before returning to her room to get dressed.