014 Arrogant Music God VS Screeching Banshee 2

'This is surprising' he thought standing by the open door, facing an unexpected guest.

Xiao Mei stood at his door in a sparky skimpy red gown with a bulging neckline that reached her midribs.

She had a white fur coat on, which she must've worn to give her attire a little decency. She wouldn't have been able to get past the hotel security, in that gown without being pegged to be a prostitute.

"What are you doing here Miss Xiao? He asked his scantily dressed unwanted guest.

"We seemed to have started on a bad note. I am here to remedy that, may I please come in" she said as pushed her way into the room, not bothering to wait for a response.

He took in a calming breath and shut the door. The quicker he got this over with the sooner he could dismiss her and get a much-needed rest.

His call with Director Meng was still ongoing when he placed the phone on the table next to him.

Xiao Mei's sudden visit was making his job much easier. Now the Director could find out his girlfriend's true colors without much explanation.

In the years he has known him, Xiao Mei was the first girl Director Meng had attached this much importance to. Not even his ex-wife was treated this way.

Come to think of it his Ex-wife wasn't any better than Xiao Mei. She too was with it for the money. The only difference between the two was that his Ex-wife was a socialite.

"Why are you here Miss Xiao?"

"Wow, your room is really pretty. Are you here alone"

"Miss Xiao unlike you I haven't got time to waste. if you have nothing important to say, Please leave"

"what a spoilsport. I thought that we can have a little fun tonight just the two of us together in the bed. Trust me We'll have a great time together" she said

"That will never happen Miss Xiao because contrary to your nacistic conclusions. I don't find you attractive" he said resting his hips by a wall and crossing his hand on his shoulder, a smile flirting on his lips.

"What, I'm not attractive Ha!"

"Last I checked Miss Xiao I am entitled to my own opinion. there's no need to throw a fit" he said with a small.

"You... you ... How dare you to say that to me. If you don't find me attractive then you must be gay.

"Yes, that must be it. You're a healthy young man and as such should be attracted to me' she said giving him a slow look down.

"I mean even that old toad Director Meng can't keep his hands off me. If he wasn't so powerful I wouldn't even give him the time of the day.

"Only two kinds of men can resist me one is a gay man. The second is a man with functional issues. Producer Lai which is you" she said wrapping her hands around his neck and rubbing her ample breasts at him.

haha ha "wow how amusing"

He said picking up his phone and brought it back to his ear.

"Hello, Director Meng are you still there? he asked and after getting an affirmative reply he continued "so what do you say Director, still think I should give her another chance"

"pretending to be talking to the toad how very original of you producer Lai" she whispered into his ears, her hands creeping into his shirt to rest on his muscular chest.

"Hmm, I'll let you handle that. Bye," he replied.

🎶Ding Dong 🎶

A few seconds later the doorbell rang.

Whoever it was at the door came at the right time. He was having a hard time untangling Xiao-Mei from his body. She pretty much had him caged.

"I need to answer that," he said gently unhooking her hands from his neck and holding her at arm's length. He quickly walked around her and made a beeline for the door.

"ah hold_" she quickly called out when here the phone began to ring making her pause.

"You should answer that miss Xiao. it might be important" He said a few steps from the door.

"ugh okay," she replied fishing out her pink phone from her bag and answering the call.

while she was at that he opened his room door and as expected it was the long-awaited room service. The staff quickly apologize for the delay and rode the cart in.

He just nodded glad to be finally out of Xiao Mei's clutches. From her response, he could already tell who was calling.

'no_ no Director that's no how it is. I _I can explain" she said and rushed out of the room.

As soon as she left, he dismissed the hotel staff. The entire ordeal with Xiao Mei and Director Meng left him famished. It also didn't help that his dinner was more than thirty minutes late

He opened up the metal box and began to eat. He was halfway done when he got a call from his manager and business partner Lu Lanying.

"Hello Lanying"

"finally you answer my calls"


"mm? Hey Zhiqiang can you sound a little more Remorseful"

"why I don't feel remorseful at all. if anything I feel quite relieved"


"well your still angry. I thought that by now your anger would have subsided"

"Oh it did then you hiked it right up"

"mm then I apologize for that"

"oh shove that"



"You don't need to worry about Director Meng I already handled it"

"what did you do?"

"hey, where's your faith in me?"

"Do you want to know the answer to that?"

"nope let's move on"

"Well since you've handled that I can crash his name off my ever-increasing list of people you've wronged. You Lai Zhiqiang are a danger to everyone in your path"

"That's why you're in charge of management while I handle our other activities. can you imagine what it would be like if I was in charge of management"

"Thank God, you aren't causing that would be disastrous. Been there done that, don't want to experience that again"

"Oh yeah. what's going on Lanying. Tan Jing has been blowing up my phone since morning. We already finalize everything with the production team. Why all the calls"

"The production ran into a problem"

"Problem? Hasn't the sponsorship deal with the GK group been secured. What other problem did they run into"

"There's a problem with one of the judges. Mandy Lee was found dead in her house early this morning. She was murdered".

"Huh, why haven't I heard of that?"

"You would if you bothered to check the internet or even listen to anything that isn't a demo.

"Seriously Zhiqiang how can you miss the biggest news to hit the nation's since well forever. Every news channel is carrying the news"

"I just got back from the recording studio so I haven't gone online since yesterday morning"

"Mandy Lee was contacted as one of the judges for the competition. With her now dead a new judge has to be found.

"Tan Jing was calling you to discuss the options for her replacement. He spoke to me when he couldn't get you.

"I arranged a meeting with you in two days at the studio. Since it's a joint project with Star Entertainment and Phoenix entertainment you will have to meet with together with their team to make the final decision.

"Luckily the show hadn't revealed the identity of the judges or we'll have a hot mess in our hands"

"Yeah, It's a good thing we delayed doing that. My flight would be arriving early tomorrow. I will head straight to the company from the airport. We can talk then"

"Alright let's do that see you then. Goodnight"


The next day bright and early Lai Zhiqiang and Lou Lei boarded the first flight from S city back to B city.