The Next Music Legend Elimination rounds 2

Lai Zhiqiang got into the elevator and put it on his floor. The elevator doors were gently rolling close when a manicured hand pushed it open.

"Please hold," a soft feminine voice said. From the quick and rhythmic sounds of a footstep, she seemed to be running over.

Lai Zhiqiang looked up to see who it was and found himself face to face with the least expected person Liu Qiao Qiao.

"you!, What are you doing here?" Lai Zhiqiang asked irritated, the intensity of the migraine had increased during the ride home He could barely hold it all in.

"I live here, I headed back to my apartment"

"I am sure you are, please. If you are following me, then I am sorry to disappoint. You can follow me all you like, it still won't change anything."

"Oh please get over yourself, I am not following you I live in an apartment close by" Liu Qiao Qiao replied eyebrows wrinkled.

Just then Shi Xiaotong was over to the elevator, she had gone back to get their mail. While Liu Qiao Qiao went straight into the elevator, she was surprised to still find Qiao Qiao standing by the door.

"Qiao Qiao why the hold upkeep working"

"Sorry about that, after you" Liu Qiao Qiao replied stepping aside to let Shi Xiaotong walk in.

Shi Xiaotong walks in and her greatest Surprised, she came face to face with grumpy producer Lai.

"Producer Lai? Funny running into you."

Lai Zhiqiang remained silent, looking at her with a 'who are you' expression on his handsome face.

"I'm Shi Xiaotong, Liu Qiao Qiao's manager".

"Hello, what floor are you going to," Lai Zhiqiang asked facing Shi Xiaotong. He was completely ignoring Liu Qiao Qiao.

Looking at the controls Shi Xiaotong replied "There's no need for that since we are going the same way."

"Oh, Okay"

That was the last thing, Lai Zhiqiang spoke about throughout the elevator ride. He rested on the wall with his side, eyes closed throughout the ride up.

Some seconds of awkward silence later, an audible chime was heard and the elevator door slid open.

"This is our stop. Thanks for the ride." Shi Xiaotong said.

Liu Qiao Qiao and Shi Xiaotong walked out of the elevator to their apartment. As they got to the door, Liu Qiao Qiao looked back carefully, when she didn't see anyone else. She turned to Shi Xiaotong, she murmured

"Huh that's odd"

"what's odd?"

" I didn't here Lai Zhiqiang come neither did I here him from afar. He should be in here what's going on"

"I didn't hear anything" Shi Xiaotong replied.

"He looked kind of pale, I hope he is well. I will go check on him" Liu Qiao Qiao ran back to the elevator with Shi Xiaotong following.

"Uh why are you even doing this, didn't you see how rude Lai Zhiqiang was throughout the elevator ride. Don't you remember how she treats you, why worry like this about him? It's not like you are a mary sue character in a book."

"Mary Sue character, please I don't want him to get hurt until I prove him wrong."

Liu Qiao Qiao replied pressing the elevator button quickly calling the elevator up

Ahahaha "Here I thought you were just being nice."

A little minutes later the elevator door opened and Liu Qiao Qiao found Lai Zhiqiang laid down on the elevator ground.

"Tong Tong quick, call an ambulance. While meeting them when we get down."

Liu Qiao Qiao ran over to him and checked his pulse, he was still breathing which was good. She took off her coat, folded it into a ball to create a make-fit pillow, and placed it on the ground next to Lai Zhiqiang's head. She gently raised his head and placed it on the balled-up coat.

"already on it," Shi Xiaotong said clicking on the ground floor.

Some minute later, the ambulance arrived and took him to the nearest hospital for treatment.

A short while later, Lai Zhiqiang opened his eyes and found himself looking up at an unfamiliar Plain white ceiling.

"Where am I?" he asked loudly.

He tried rising from the bed but was held back on his right hand. He looked down at his wrist and found a needle a wire attached to his wrist.

He followed the wire up to the almost empty IV bag.

"Well, that explains the unfamiliar room."

The door was pushed open and an annoyingly familiar person walked in.

'Why does it have to be Liu Qiao Qiao. I swear she is turning into a reoccurring nightmare" Lai Zhiqiang thought as he watched her get closer.

"You're awake, let me call the doctor over," Liu Qiao Qiao said pressing the call button to alert the front desk.

"How are you feeling?" Liu Qiao Qiao asked returning to her seat next to the bed.

"I Feel Good, how did I get here?"

"We found you passed out on the elevator and called an ambulance".


"My manager and I. Tong Tong went out to buy some food, she will be back soon."

'her manager, that must be the high-class barbie he met at the elevator' Lai Zhiqiang thought.

A young doctor and two female nurses came in for his check-up. The doctor informed him that he had fainted due to exhaustion, he just needed a few days of rest and he would be back to normal.

After the check-up, the doctor and nurses left the ward leaving him alone with Liu Qiao Qiao and her manager Shi Xiaotong. Her manager had come in during the check-up with two take-away bags of food.

Shi Xiaotong and Liu Qiao Qiao silently unboxed the food on the table.

"Producer Lai, we aren't familiar with your taste so we bought two different menus. You make your choice, do you like spicy for or not?" Shi Xiaotong asked facing him.

"I am good with anything"

"Alright, then we will both take the spicy food. Qiao Qiao can't eat spicy food because of her voice".


'real smooth barbie, way to let it slip that your artist takes good care of her voice'

Liu Qiao Qiao brought the tray of food over to him and placed it on the eating table.


After eating Shi Xiaotong packed up the plated and put them away.

They stayed back with him until the IV bag was empty before returning to their apartment.