Chapter Ten

I woke up the next morning with Jason's arms around me. He jumped at the blaring of my alarm, startled.

"Blake! Get ready! You as well, Jason!" My aunt called through my open door. I hit my alarm to turn it off and rolled over in Jason's arms to face him.

"You wake up to that every day?" Jason rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand.

"What do you wake up to? The sound of bubbles?" I smirked.

"Har har." He smiled sarcastically, wrapping me in his arms again. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Great, you?" I blinked. My aunt stepped into my room.

"I said get up, sleepyheads. Let's go." She waved.

"I'm SO comfortable, though." I push my face into Jason's chest.

"Don't make me get the spray bottle." She threatened. I inhaled sharply, rolling out of bed and falling onto the floor.

"I'm up!"

"That's what I thought." She left the room as I stood.

"You're afraid of a spray bottle?" Jason sat up, his black hair a complete mess.

"She keeps it right under the ice box where its very cold, but not cold enough to freeze." I tossed him the shirt he lent me before. It was clean and dry now and smelled like lilies. I went into my bathroom, which connected to my room, and changed into clean shorts and a t-shirt. When I came out, Jason was standing with his back to me, shirtless. He was so muscular. I bit my lip as he turned to look at me.

"Like what you see?" He smiled, coming to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I was only about five feet and six inches tall while he was about six feet tall. It made me feel short. I stood on my toes, kissing him. He smirked, picking me up so that my legs wrapped around his waist. Giggling, I kissed him again. I leaned back a little so I could look into his eyes.

"I need to brush your hair. It's a mess." I laughed.

"No, it's not. It just needs a hand pulled through it like this." He combed his fingers through his hair. "Tada!" I looked from his eyes to his hair.

"No. Let me get my brush." I tried getting out of his arms.


"Put me down." I laughed.

"You're not brushing my hair! Don't you remember the last time you did?" He frowned. I thought for a moment then remembered the last time I brushed his hair. I nearly ripped his hair out and my brush snapped in half.

"Maybe if you brushed your hair more, it wouldn't be so hard to do." I reached for my brush on my desk, grabbing it. "Ahah!"

"No!" Jason threw me onto my bed, fighting me for the brush. I squealed, trying to get away. "Gimme that!"

"Hey!" My aunt yelled, ice cold water landing on my skin. I yelped, using Jason as a shield. "You're late for school! Stop goofing off!" Jason got off me, looking like a scolded puppy but looking like he was on the verge of laughing.

"You, put a shirt on and you both get out of my house!" She ordered. I got up, sliding on my shoes and grabbing my bag. "And brush your hair, both of you!" She yelled from the hall. I stuck my tongue out at Jason, brushing my hair quickly. After a few minute, Jason and I went for the door.

"Don't miss the bus for the fieldtrip to The Aquarium!" My aunt reminded me.

"We won't! Bye!" I waved, going out the door and closing it behind Jason and I.

* ~~ * ~~ * ~~ *

Jason and I sat next to each other on the bus to The Aquarium. It was on the edge of town by the beach. As we drove through town, I realized there wasn't much damage. All of the students scampered off the bus, running inside like children in a candy shop. The first room had a large tank with a large shark, an albino sea turtle, and tons of fish. The fish were all different colors and sizes behind the thick glass. Jason and several other students went to the bathroom while I admired the captive marine life.

"You like fish?" Brice joined me.

"I love them. The shark's name is Gregory and the turtle is Abygale. They're best friends." I beamed, bouncing on my toes.

"What, now you can talk to fish?" Brice laughed. I looked to him, realizing what I had done. "You're such a freak!" He shoved me into the tank's glass, making a loud thud and the water inside ripple. I could feel the disturbance to the life inside. Gregory swam right up to the glass that I was pinned against.

"I'LL KILL HIM!" The gruff voice of the shark growled. I could hear the growling of the different fish, as well. Each one sounded different.