Chapter Sixteen

We danced, partied, and spent most of the time swimming. Every time I tried to clean up, my uncle would nudge me away and Jason would throw me off the boat. The sun was setting, decorating the sky in pink and orange strips. The four of us sat on the back of the boat quietly. I was between Jason's legs with my back against his chest and his arms around me. We watched the sun fall behind the water then looked up at the stars that sparkled above us. My feet dangled off the boat into the calm, cool water.

"Hey, Aunt Mary?" I still looked up at the stars.

"Yes, Honey?" I heard her shift.

"How come you never swim? You're a mermaid, too. Right?" I glanced over to my aunt who sat in front of my uncle then looked over the water.

"Something happened to me that left my mermaid side paralyzed when I entered the water." She replied. "Plus, my life is on land."

"Do you miss it?"

"Of course." She smiled softly. I fell into a thought, leaving us silent again. I didn't know if I had healing abilities. When I learned all the abilities I could, I planned to help my aunt. I leaned my head back against Jason, watching the blinking stars. I felt so happy in this moment. I couldn't ask for a better day. Suddenly, I felt a shock against the bottom of my foot in the water. I jumped, startled, pulling my foot from the water.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked quietly. He must've fallen asleep and woke up when I moved. I leaned on my hands and knees, peering into the water.

"What is it?" My aunt studied me curiously. I held up a hand, shushing her as I brought my face close to the softly rippling water. It was too dark to see into it. Without warning, hands grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into the water. I could hear my aunt scream then splash above me as I was hauled down. When my eyes adjusted, I realized that there were Atlantean soldiers in their white, armored, suits.

"Princess Blake, you are summoned by the king." They sped through the water, still holding onto me. Jason couldn't keep up.

"Let me go!" I struggled. A sharp pain entered the back of my head, making my vision blur. Within moments, everything went dark.


I woke up with a jerk. I flinched from the throbbing in the back of my head as I looked around. I was in a large, white, building with smooth walls. It didn't look anything like where I lived and it was very bright. I could feel that I had a tail. There were two guys several feet in front of me. I was on my knees and when I tried to stand, I was held down by chains. I looked to my wrists to see thick silver cuffs connected to long chains fastened to the ground. There was even one around my neck and was colder than the water around me.

"Good morning, Land Born." A young looking, white haired, guy smirked. He floated by the other two guys. They looked like guards with their spears and dull expressions. The young looking guy seemed to have power over them and his hair was smoothed down and braised down his back. This must be Atlantis and that must be my brother.

"I guess this is Atlantis, oh brother of mine?" I looked up at him as he moved.

"I am Prince Arlo." He looked down on me as if I was a bug.

"Is that so, little brother?" I stretched my fingers.

"This is your King. King Aquis." Arlo nodded to the left. I looked past him, noticing a large smooth, gray, thrown with a man in it. He had long red hair and a short red beard. He looked young for his age. My aunt had said he was several hundred years old and ruled for most of it. He had kind blue eyes when he looked at me, but when he glanced to Arlo, they seemed as cold as ice. I felt a strange connection with him. It was like I knew him as a child and had been waiting for him to return. I didn't really remember what my parents looked like. I was only six years-old when they vanished, but he looked very familiar. Knowing he was the King of Atlantis, I knew he was my father.

"Hello, Father. Looking good." I smiled.

"He is your King!" Arlo boomed.

"You call your dad 'King'? Wow. Well, he's been gone from my life for a while, so I don't know what's trending." I shrugged. Arlo's face reddened with anger. "Are you going to let me out of these or am I going to have to do it?"

"You can't. Those are Atlantean chains. You can't break free from them, Bastard of the Land." Arlo snarled. I looked to them. He acted like they were made of the strongest metal on Earth.

"Arlo." Aquis said, standing.

"She may be my sister by blood, but she was born out of wedlock. I bet she doesn't even know our mother was killed!" Arlo grabbed a silver trident. I looked to them, shock filling me. My shoulders slumped as I realized I would never see her again.

"Arlo!" Aquis' voice echoed loudly.

"Oh, you really didn't know." Arlo laughed. "What a pity." I hung my head, my body starting to shake.

"Don't cry." He yawned. He put his trident under my chin, lifting my head so I looked at him. I balled my hands into fists. "You can't see or feel them down here." He grinned. The room began to rumble and shake as anger built up inside me.

"It was my 18th birthday. You took me out of a perfect day, from my aunt, uncle, and love of my life." I felt my anger running through my veins as if it itself was blood. "Then you chain me up and taunt me as if you know me." The room trembled violently. Aquis looked at me surprised, Arlo hitting me across the face with his trident. The sounds of the ocean filled my head, but this time it didn't hurt.

"Enough of this foolishness! You have no power here!" Arlo walked away, stopping next to Aquis. I jerked my hands towards my chest, snapping the chains easily. I pushed off the ground, changing my tail into legs and standing on the cool floor. Under my bare feet, it felt like marble. Smooth to the touch.

"What...?" Arlo approached me. I glared at him, pulling the chain from around my neck off. The water around him began to swirl, making him look confused. I lifted a hand towards him, a bubble void of water forming around him. I could hear him gasp, unable to breathe the air.
