I finished packing the rest of my clothes in my little purple suitcase, the rest of my stuff I put in bags because I didn't have anymore suitcases. Most of what I was bringing was art supplies and other small nick nacks I had around. Now all I had to do was wait for Kiera, my best friend, and probably the only reason we're leaving. I don't know how she did if I'm being honest, but one thing I know is that she always finds a way out of whatever situation she's in. Honestly I don't know where I'd be without her, she's helped me with so much in the years. I remember she helped me with money when I needed a laptop for school. She helped me sell some of my artwork and still does to this day because I was never allowed to get a job.
I heard the front door open, usually I would get a little nervous, but I knew he wasn't coming home for a while and that it was probably Kiera, I had given her a key a while back, she's probably here to get me.
"Hey June bug." Kiera said as she walked in.
"We good to go?" she asked while looking around the place, probably just making sure I had packed everything, especially my art supplies.
"yep,I'm ready to do this." It was true, I had been living this life for too long now, it was time for a fresh start. A new life, new beginning. "I'm so lucky to have you Kiera." I couldn't help but get a bit emotional. "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. You-" she cut me off with a hug.
"We're going to get through this ok? We both deserve so much better than this." She was holding my shoulders, staring down at me with her blue-green eyes.
"You're right, we deserve so much better than this shit."
"That's my girl. We gotta get going now, we gonna get Sammy from school and then we're outta here."
"Hey munchkin!" I said to Sam when she got to the car. She gave me a big hug, making me smile. We got into the car and got going.
"You didn't forget anything Sam right? I don't think we'd have time to go back for anything right now."
"yeah, I have everything. Do we have to go mommy? I don't want to."
"Yes baby girl. We already talked about this, we have to do this. We-" I noticed her take a deep breath. This must be hard for her, especially with Sam.
"How about we get a treat before we hit the road. I'll get you a happy meal."
"yay, ok mommy."
"Thanks man, hey tell me about that new girl you got later." I always liked to check out our new workers. Make sure they're up to par with our needs
"sure thing man, I'll bring her in for you when I think she's ready to work. We still good for tonight"
"Yeah, everything's set up and ready to go, I'll call you later, gotta go back to work."
"Alright man, talk to you later." I walked back to my car, I had to get back home now, back to my angel.
"Yo June? What we having for dinner baby?" I waited a few moments for her to answer, but she didn't. Why was she taking so long to answer me.
"June!" Why didn't she answer me. I was getting pissed now.
"Don't fucking test me June!" Where the fuck is this girl? 'She wouldn't' I thought to myself. I walked into her room and she wasn't there, I went into my room, not there either.
"Shit." I went over to where I kept some of my cash, a hole in my mattress. It��s all gone. "The fucking bitch stole from me and ran away" I said aloud, I couldn't believe this. I
gave that girl everything and this is how she thanks me? I'll make her fucking pay for this, I'll find her