Destination Sixis

Jack stood before the three prisoners in the cells. "So what exactly is the reason you lot are behind bars?" Jack asked curiously. Depending on how they answered would determine their fates. "We were taken because we caught the eyes of some nobleman." One of the men said. The other man nodding his head aslo added, "The marines are escorting us to the Goa Kingdom so that we can work for the nobles." After hearing the two men, Jack turned his focus to the woman. "And you?" Jack asked, already suspecting the reason she was taken. "I-I w-was taken to b-be a c-concubine." The woman stuttered out, as tears started pouring from her eyes. To Jack's surprise, one of the men stepped in front of her, acting as a shield. "You may have killed the marines, but I'll not let you or your men lay one finger on my sister!!" The man said with as much courage as he could muster. The second man, who had spoken first also stepped up to defend the woman, not taking his eyes off Jack's.

After hearing their words, Jack actually let a smile cross his face. In a world filled with scum, here he was standing before two people that would face certain death to protect a helpless woman. "And what would you do if I just shot you with my pistol?" Jack asked, wanting to know how far they would go. "Then you better kill me!!" The brother said, while the other man just gave a nod to his words. "Haha I have no intention of harming any of you, or laying a hand on a woman without their consent. I'll admit I'm no saint, but I will never become someone like that." Jack said as he walked over to a box that had the keys to the cell in it and unlocked the door. Going back down into the cargo hold, Jack brought the four unconcious marines back on deck. The three former prisoners weren't too sure what was gonna happen next, so they just followed behind the strange man.

When the three civillians got above deck, they paled at the scene before them. All around were the dismembered bodies of the marines, and there wasn't anybody else around, so all of this was done by the strange man. Looking over to the mysterious man, they watched as he looped four ropes over a beam, then tied some nooses one one end. After the ropes were in place, he brought four barrels and put them under the nooses then walked over and tied the hands of the marines behind their backs and their feet close together so they couldn't walk. Once he had them all to his liking he grabbed a pale of water and doused the four men, waking them. When the four marines came to, they started to panic. Jack didn't bother to explain the situation to the tied up soldiers, instead he picked them up one by one and stood them on the barrels, while at the same time putting the ropes around their necks. "Please don't do this!!" One of the marines shouted, while two of them were already in tears not saying anything coherent. The fourth man looked like he accepted his fate, and was standing quietly. "You four are sentenced to hanging by the neck until dead for crimes against the innocent. You have failed your duty as marines to serve and protect the people of this world, choosing to turn a blind eye to those with wealth. Do you have any last words before you meet the maker?!!!" Jack shouted without any emotion on his face. They deserved death, and this was a fitting punishment for any.

In the end, there was just more crying and pleading. Jack let them all cry for a few minutes before he walked behind them and kicked the barrels out from beneath them. It didn't take long before they all stopped moving, their souls having let their bodies. Jack didn't bother to cut down their bodies right away, instead he walked around and threw the dismembered body parts off the ship into the water. All the while the three civillians watched on with mouths wide open. Finallly the girls brother spoke, "Who are you?" He asked in a clearly scared voice. As Jack turned his attention back to them, he gave an annoyed look to them before saying, "Isn't it rude to ask who someone is without introducing yourself first?" His tone, mimicing his look. Realizing that this man was indeed correct, the brother at least had the decency to look regretful. "Please allow me to start over. My name is Bill Jones and this here is my sister Tanya. The gentleman with us is Luke Strous, a man who tried to help us when the marines took us." Bill said while gesturing to his sister and Luke.

"You can call me Cataclysm." Jack said then continued with throwing corpses overboard until there were just the ones hanging. Walking over to them, Jack pulled out his video transponder snail and took some pictures. He would have done this before with all the mutalated corpses, but he didn't want it to look like he was a complete psycho. Once he had all the pictures he wanted and a nice little video, Jack turned his attention back to Bill. "Alright, I'm done here. You three can take one of the life boats over there." Jack said while pointing towards 3 little boats that were tied down on the side of the ship. "There is plenty of food and water on board that you can take for yourselves, so get going. This ship is gonna disappear in a few minutes along with anything on it so make is snappy." Jack said while urging them to do it fast. Hearing his words, they all thought he was going to blow up the ship so they ran down and gathered a bunch of food and water like Jack suggested, but Luke also grabbed a rifle, sword and a few boxes of ammuniton. 'Smart...' Jack thought as he watched Luke arm himself.

When they loaded everything into the life boat, Jack helped them lower it into the water, then lowered himself down onto his own little boat, not jumping like a certain blood splatter should have done. Jack made his way over to the edge of his boat and touched the big marine ship, storing it away in his inventory. When the three onlookers saw what happen they were once again staring with their jaws hanging down. "How did you do that?!!!" Tanya screamed. Jack's head almost started ringing at her shout. 'She may be attractive, but my God is her voice annoying!!!' Jack thought to himself. "Magic." He deadpanned, then started to get his little boat moving back on its prevous course.

As he sailed away, the three newly freed civillians just watched on, not bothering to make a move. "I can't believe that just happened." Bill said to Tanya, who was just as shocked as he was. Luke on that other hand was still in a daze thinking to himself. 'I'll find you again in the future, and maybe then I can stand by your side.' he thought, before bringing himself back to reality. They started rowing from where they had previously came from, hoping to make it back to their home before anymore marines came along. After seeing how the marines behaved, and what they would do to the weak and innocent, they had lost all respect for the supposed guardians.

Jack sailed for another three days before he finally made it to his destination. Stepping foot on the small deserted island, instead of feeling dread or loneliness he felt excitement. "So this is Sixis? Lets see if the Flame Flame Fruit is here!!" Jack said happily.