Sabrina/I knew my pups need to be watched all the time because Maria wanted them dead for some reason I don't know why Jin was so overprotective that he barely ate anything he just sat by them watching or he didn't get any sleep even though RM and Jimin were watching them I started to get a little depressed at times but it was time to have another litter. Next on the litter was next on the litter was yoongi I know that we have much time but I still want to get his pups done YOONGI.
Yoongi/what do you need Sabrina
Sabrina/Time to mate I'm ready Yoongi looked excited.
Yoongi /where
Sabrina/the guest room
Sabrina/he picked me up and we headed to the guest room he shut the door behind him and as soon as he looked at me he went towards me and start ripping my clothes off it's like he couldn't wait another second I have 49 kids Lizzie Jessica Rachel Amy Sean Chris Lenny Mark and others I never heard of Maria again I started working again then I got promoted and got a bigger home for the kids and us my name is Sabrina and this is my story. I will be making another one about werewolves if you go to my page you'll find it I will be starting it up also check out weird sisters goodbye