(18+)Chapter-9 Delivery Time &Test Results For Who's The Daddy??!! 'PART 1 OF 2'


My father called me to see If I was up for a mission which is a target as I'm pregnant so he doesn't want me to risk my sons and my life so that's why he's asking if I could handle it. Just before I can say yes he said I'm not up to it then he'll be more than happy to give the job to somebody else! I told my father that I can do it so I pack up my bag then I head out. I get into my car and I floor it towards my targets house as I pull up on the street, I park my car down the road.

I approached me targets house I let myself in then I stand there listening then I realized my target is in the house so I walked quietly into her bathroom. I strangle the botch from behind and she's looking at me in her mirror I look at her with no emotions, I say,

"Next time don't be such a fucking whore! You're a damn traitor!"

As her body falls to the floor I then pick up the evidence along with the money and I staged it to look like a break-in and a robbery. I had gotten back out and in my car as I head home I call my father and let him know its done. So this is going to be her last job until the boys turn 1 years old.

Five months later as I'm having my baby shower today as I'm 9 months pregnant and our sons are due in 2 weeks.

So we've not named our boys yet we only decided to call them Baby A & Baby B until we find out who the father is of our boys.That way we can agree on the names for them, as of right now we cannot decide on any names. We've finally moved into our new house and we got it unpacked as well, our house is a huge ass mansion.

As I'm now ready for the baby shower I walk into the nursery that both Sam and Jakob had done it and it looks really great for our boys!

"Sweetheart? Come on we're all waiting on you. Everyone is here now and waiting for you in the den baby."

Jakob said to me.

I waddle my huge fat ass with him as he holds my hand downstairs. As Jakob and I walk into our den I feel a contraction as I see all of our parents, Christol, her husband. As Jakob holds my hand as he walks with me to my rocking chair I feel another contraction just as my water breaks!

Sam jumps up to help me sit down in my rocking chair, as Jakob tells everyone to head to the hospital while he calls our doctor. Sam helps me change out of my wet clothes and into a dress,my contractions are now 2 minutes apart! Jakob hold my hand while he walks with me and Sam is hold my hospital bag as they both walk me to our van, as Sam sits in the driver seat and speeds us there Jakobs in between the carseats doing the breathing exercises with me.

We arrived at the hospital and the doctor has my men get into scrubs as it birth time now and the doctor gets in position as Jakob and Sam both hold my hands. I have the urge to push so as I start to push the doctor tells me to stop immediately! As they have to do an emergency C-section as I can't deliver normal due to the boys can't come through since their heads are to big. I'm back in my room now and I see the nurse hands my men our boys. I smile at how beautiful they look, I noticed how much each of the boys look like my men.

I fall asleep as I'm so happy and exhausted. I feed the boysand so do my men as we all take turns changing,feeding,burping and rocking them I smile as they both are feeding and rocking our sons I think I couldn't have asked for any more of perfect men to you have children with!

It's 2days later and we get the DNA results and we get to go home! As I'm very nervous about the results as I would love both of them to be the father but I know that only one of them can be the father.When doctor walks in he has a huge smile on his face while he speaks,

"The DNA results are in! Well this is a very rare case it's called Hetropaternal Superfeccundation it means when two of a woman's eggs are fertilized by sperm from two different men! So congratulations to both of you Jakob and Sam as your both father's! Baby A is your son Sam, Baby B is your son Jakob."

he told us told us, so both is a father to one of the boys!

I sat there in total shock as I'm excited and I'm happy, I smile at Sam and Jakob. Sam and I named our son Aleck and Jacob and I named our son Nick. Sam kisses me on the forehead then kisses me passionately, Jakob then walks up to us he kisses me passionately then kisses Sam passionately.

We're all happy as we're all new parents, we all love each other and our new sons. Jakob and Sam both help me off the bed so I can shower and get dressed. As I'm in the bathroom Sam and Jakob both feed our sons and burp them, they get them in their car seats.

When I come out the bathroom I help them pack up the bags so we can all go home. When we get into the van Sam puts Aleck into the car and gets him strapped in as Jakob gets Nick strapped in the car,strapped in as well.They both make sure I get myself buckled up then Jakob pulls out of the hospital parking lot so we can go home!

When we get home Jakob and Sam both carried in the boys as they also help me in,they have me set down on the couch. They our set our sons down in their car seats next to me as I call for Ms.Liza who's also our nanny while they weren't go back out to our van Jakob carries in the balloons and flowers as Sam brings the diaper bags and our bags in.

They both sit down next to me as Ms.Liza holds both Nick and Aleck

"Sweetheart come on let's get you in bed so you can have some rest okay? We love you and we will both take care of the boys while you're asleep with Ms. Liza okay? Sam and I will help you get into our bed!"

Jakob said as they both stand up and help me up.

They both held onto my hand as we walked upstairs to our bed they helped me get into bad as Jakob tucks me in ,Sam leans over and kisses my forehead and I'm now snuggled up.Jakob kisses me passionately and Sam then kisses me passionately.

"You're so beautiful mMy Avery I love you very much and get some sleep. We will see you when you wake up!"

Sam said as he walked to our bedroom door.

Jakob kisses me on my forehead

"I love you too I Sweetheart and you look very beautiful My Queen! Sam and I got everything you just worry about getting some rest."

he said has he kisses my forehead again as he goes to walk out the room Sam's waiting for him.

"I love you too My Samuel and I love you too My Jakob!"

I said and they both grin at me and I see them hold hands as they walk out of our bedroom.

I close my eyes and I fall asleep.I guess while I was sleeping my breast started to leak as I wake up to my shirt being soaked so I sit up and pum my breast and I fill up 3 1/2 4 oz. bottles so I call out for Sam to come up and he gets me another shirt and takes the bottles as he kisses me.

He leaves out and Jakob walks in with 4 more bottles, some water, dinner and gives me a kiss . He sits with me as I eat and I have to pump again and I do 1 1/2 so he kisses me and leaves me so I can sleep some more.Ms Liza walks in to check on me,

"Ma'am do you need anything? Jakob put the 2 halves together of breast milk, so that way they had 4 bottles."

I shake my head no and go back to bed.

Since I'm depressed a little bit since I'm not able to work and then I had signed my club over to Christol so that way she would become manager of it while I'm gone for the year. It took Sam and Jakob two weeks to talk me into it really to be honest a month to talk me into I just sleep but I understand why they had me do it and why they don't want me working for right now!