Great Powers

[Waking up host... Done]

When I woke up, I could feel that my body was growing. I think leveling up is making me strong.

Anyways, today I already have a plan. Today will be the day that I will reach the max level again! I hope...

I said to Sheina what I was going to do, and she said that she was curious about what I would become. Well, I can't lie, I'm curious too.

And I did the same thing as yesterday, but today I went deeper in the ocean, I planned to fight that ugly fish that almost killed me. As I went deeper into a hole that Sheina showed me, the darker it became, to a point where I could only see something with my skill. After some time walking around, I found that tiny light once again, and for some reason... That light is amazing... Wait, uh? What did I just say? I don't know what is happening, but that light is weird.

As I went close to it, the light faded and a big ugly fish attacked me.

(3rd fight POV)

A big and ugly fish attacked Shihidora but even when Shihidora was weak, he already could dodge that type of thing, so he easily dodges the big ugly fish and tried to attack. Shihidora quickly reinforces his tentacles and starts to hit the ugly fish non-stop.

[You did 1 damage!]

[You did 1 damage!]

[You did 1 damage!]

[You did...]


The ugly fish just stayed in the same place, not moving at all, Shihidora wasn't even scratching him. When Shihidora noticed that his normal attacks didn't work, he used all of his combat skills at the same time.

Shihidora: *Internal Aura Release!* *Tentacle Thrust!*.

After using these two skills, he tried something new, he took all the Internal Aura around his body, and put everything in his big and pointy spear looking tentacle. Generating a great force that made his Tentacle shine.

Shihidora: "Th-This is so h-hard to control... *Double-tap!*

The ugly fish got startled by the shining tentacle but he had confidence in his defensive prowess.

Shihidora was afraid of his power because after focusing everything in one spear, it was hurting too much, the pain was great, but he felt that the damage would be bigger.

As Shihidora finished his special attack, he launched it against the ugly fish, as it went closer to the ugly big fish, the ugly fish noticed how dangerous it was, but it was too late. The attack exploded to the front when it touched him, killing the ugly fish instantly and ripping Shihidora's tentacle to shreds, almost nothing was left to be called a "tentacle".

[You did a Super Critical Hit! You did 467 damage!]

[The generated force is too big! You received 47 damage!]

(first-person POV)

Wh-What was this?! It was me? The ugly fish just vanished! Did I shot something like... a beam? Wait, what is a beam? No, this is not important, how I did so much damage?!

And, ugh, I lost my tentacles, it is hurting more than when I used that skill...

[You killed a being two evolutions above you! Your title "Giant Killer" has evolved to "Titan Killer"!]

[You created a new skill of your own! How do you wanna name it?}

Uhh, okay, this was unexpected, but how will I name it...?

[Do you wanna name it as: "Uhh, okay, this was unexpected, but how will I name it...?"]

Wait! No, I didn't choose it! I want his name to be... *Tentacle Beam!*

[Do you wanna name it as: "Tentacle Beam"?]


[Updating Status... Done!]

[You killed a "Lightbringer"!]

[XP Acquired: 3476]

[XP Acquired: 3476]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up 3 times!]

[Level 12/20]

[XP: 1548/2500]

[Current status]

Level: 12/20

XP: 1548/2500


HP: 41/103

MP: 280



Strength: 20.5

Dexterity: 19.5

Body: 20.5

Agility: 19.5

Intelligence: 133.5



Titan Killer: +6 Strength, +4 body

The one named by a God

The one blessed by a God



Disguise LVL 3

Absorb LVL 7

Tentacle Mastery LVL max

Tentacle Thrust LVL 9

Self-evolution LVL 3

Auto regeneration LVL 3

Scanning area LVL 5

Double-Tap LVL 2

Internal Aura Control LVL 3

Internal Aura Release LVL 2

Tentacle Beam LVL 1

Ugh, I need to return to Sheina now...

While suffering from great pain, I avoided any danger in the way back to the coral cave.

Once again I felt something by my side running at high speeds. But I wasn't able to see anything.

When I was close to Sheina, I could notice that she was worried when she saw my tentacles ripped apart with almost nothing left.

She quickly pushed me to the cave and started to feed me, even if I wasn't hungry.

Sheina: (What happened to you?! How did you end like this?)

Shihidora: "Well, I went to fight that ugly fish, but it wasn't taking any damage, so I decided to use the full power of my tentacle thrust and Internal aura..."

Sheina: (Are you crazy?! You must NEVER use the full power of internal aura without a great control over it! Only if you are in a dangerous situation without nothing left to use!)

While Sheina was lecturing me, I could see a figure behind her, it was touching something, and it suddenly disappeared.

Sheina: (Hey, are you listening to me?!)

Shihidora: "Uhh, yes, yes, Im listening"

Sheina: (Ugh, alright, you need to rest, you are in a bad state to talk.)

Shihidora: "Ahh... Alright, thank you."

As I was going to sleep, I was thinking about that weird figure behind Sheina... What was that? It was touching something in the a-. Wait, what I was talking about? Oh, yes, I was talking about Internal Aura. Yeah, it was scary, I never thought it had that many power, I must be careful on how I use it from now on... I'm too tired to think about this, so I just went to sleep.


