A new "System"?!

[Upgrading System...]

[Warning! Interference detected, coming from the Soul Core]

[By Astaroth orders, the interference is allowed...]

[System is being absorbed by the Soul Core!]

[95% of the system remaining]

[Installing new upgraded System...]


[Waking up Host...]

GASP! W-what happened?! It was so sudden, and it didn't look like I was sleeping, everything just got black, and I woke up right after...

A-anyways, what was that all about, System?!

[Your System was upgraded by absorbing Sharkie's remains]

And what changed? I don't feel anything different...

[Try to touch the wall of the cave and say "Appraise"]

Oh, okay... Wait, what? Why do I feel that your voice became somewhat more lively...?

[Touch the wall]

Geez, if you say so...


[You got a new skill!]

[Appraise LvL.1 was unlocked]

[Cave Status]

Name: Miserable cave of Shihidora

Level: 0/10

HP: 1200/1200

XP: 0/23000


Residents: 1/1

Magic Towers: 0/0




What...? Can you explain it to me, System?

[The upgrade of the System was based on Sharkie's remains and all of his memories]

[After analyzing the Memories, it was decided to take his main Dream of conquering the entire sea and then the Outside World]

And that means...?

[The System can now affect objects and living beings of the outside world, and you can analyze all their stats and skills even if they aren't a god's envoy]

Hmm, I think I get it...

[Although it can affect Objects and Living beings, there is a limit to it, you can remove an object or living beings from the list at any time.

[OaLB affected: 1/5]

Oh, so that's how it is... Well, it's too complicated for me anyway, I will think about it later.

By the way, how much time was I asleep? I'm so hungry right now...

[Exactly 243 Days]

Oh, 243 days... Wait, WHAT?! I don't know how much time a "Day" is, but isn't this like, too much time to be asleep? How I didn't die from thirsty or hunger?!

[The host was being fed by the natural energy of the Outside world, fortunately, this area has a great amount of Demonic Energy going around]

Ugh, now that I thought about it, I need to eat something fast...!

*Shihidora quickly get up and go outside the cave*

Yes, now I only need to find foo-

*Shihidora slowly gets down and take a closer look around*

Hey hey hey! What is this, there are weird things and a lot of unidentified creatures around here!

???: "Wait, Sir.Dragon! P-please, calm down!"

Huh? What is that, is it talking to me?

???: "Get out of the way! Cant, you see that he came to attack us?! Look the way he is staring at everyone!"


[Ki-ryh Status]

Name: Ki-ryh

Race: Dheman

Class: Dragon's Maid

Level: 34/100

XP: ???

HP: 310/310

MP: 450/600


Titles: Dragon's Servant


Skills: ????

Ki-ryh: "Stop it! Did you already forget what this Supreme being did to us when we came here? He helped us even while he was sleeping, and even gave me a special class!"

???: "Ugh, ok... BUT! If this being ever do something to us, I will take care of it without a second thought!"

Ki-ryh: "Fine Ka-liu..."

Ka-liu: "hmph, I need to take care of some matters now, take care of this Giant monster"

Ki-ryh: "He isn't a monster! He is the Great Being!"

*While the two of them discussed, Shihidora stood there, dumbfounded because of what was happening*

What just happened...? Are they talking about me?

Ki-ryh: "Oh Great Being! Please, forgive me for these uncultured folks! It's an honor to receive you in this Humble Village!"

*Shihidora, observed the Creature, it got in her Knees and touched her head on the ground.*

Uh, h-how should I react?! What should I say...?

-Hmph, Pathetic, just act as mighty and confident as you can... Leave the way, let me do it!-

Wait, what? T-there is another voice on my mind?! From where?

-I'm right by your side, idiot-

Huh? I didn't notice it until now, b-but, I have two heads now? And it's moving and talking by itself?!

-Well, I think it is what it looks like, stupid lizard-

Hey, what do you mean?! We are the same being!

-Don't put me on the same level as you!-

-Anyways, we need to take care of what is in front of us first-

Uh? Oh right, so, what do we do now?

-Heh, leave it to me-

If you say so...

Shihidoru: "Get up, Little creature, you shall not worry, I came in peace looking for food!"

Ki-ryh: "Huh? B-but, you just woke up, don't you need anything el-"

Shihidoru: "I SAID, BRING ME, FOOD!"

Ki-ryh: "R-right away Sir!"

H-hey! Why are you shouting to the girl?!

-Hmph, you wouldn't understand, that's why I hate pure souls like yours-

Huh? What are you talking about?

-Nothing, now, stop bothering me!-

A-alright alright... You don't need to be so angry and loud...


Anyways, I think that girl is coming with the food...

For now, I should check my status a little.

[Current status]

Name: Shihidoru

Race: Rare Two-headed Hydra

Level: 1/75

XP: 0/10000


HP: 280/280

MP: 700



Strength: 135

Dexterity: 133

Body: 140

Agility: 131

Intelligence: 350



The one that defeated God's Envoy

God's Envoys Killer

The one named by a God

The one blessed by a God

Species Destroyer




Magic Arms LVL 1

Telepathy LVL 1

Parallel Thinking LVL 1

Multiple-Thought Process LVL 1

Lower-rank Demon's Invisibility LVL 3

Absorb LVL Max

Tentacle Mastery LVL max

Magic Tentacle Spear LVL 6

Self-evolution LVL 6

Lower-rank Hydra's Regeneration LVL 1

Lower-rank Demon's eye LVL 2

Double-Tap LVL 7

Internal Aura Control LVL Max

Internal Aura Release LVL 5

Magic Tentacle Beam LVL 7

[Quests Tab] *Closed*

OaLB: 1/5

Hmm, it didn't change that much from before... Some skills were added, some were upgraded, and my name... Changed?

Well, that's new, but maybe it has something to do with my Second Head, probably.

Ki-ryh: "S-Sir.Dragon! I-I brought the food as you asked!"

*Sniff, Sniff*

W-what is this?! I feel something... like it's delicious, my body entirely changed, and maybe I can feel more things now? A-anyways, this food has a mysterious feeling, saying that I must eat... As fast as possible!

*Shihidora slowly put his head down to reach the food...*

-what are you doing? Let's just eat this! I'm also curious about how this tastes...-


W-what is this?!