Midnight snack- Part 2

When Madeline woke up, it was the time of midnight. She didn't know what time it was as the room had no clock and the only clock was the bell that rang far in the distance in one of the villages or towns. She had a headache, and she felt thirsty. The room was dark to let her know that night had prevailed, and the castle grounds appeared to be quiet. The crickets outside continued to chirp. 

Getting down from the bed, her feet met the cold floor, and she padded her feet across the room to look outside the window which looked empty. By the looks of the stars and the ambience, she knew it was late in the night. Once she had got on the bed, she didn't know when she fell asleep, and it was a deep and a good one. Who knew having liquor would end up in her having a good sleep which she hadn't had in a long time.