Untrue- Part 2

"What are we doing here?" asked Madeline, looking at the open ground and trees around them. Calhoun had flown far away from the castle to the deepest heart of the forest. 

"To have some time for ourselves," answered Calhoun who had let her down on the ground. The enormous black wings that had appeared suddenly before, had now disappeared, "With everyone asleep and no one to disturb us at this hour of the night, I think it is a perfect time." 

Madeline didn't know what Calhoun was exactly speaking about. Except for the moonlight, everything else emitted darkness. The trees far away from them seemed quiet but the crickets around them chirped. 

"Stand here, sweet," said Calhoun, leading her to stand almost at the centre of the open ground. She saw him walk away from her, entering the forest before he returned with some branches in his arms to drop them down on the ground while having a decent distance between them.