Irk- Part 2

Madeline was startled by the question, and she stared at Calhoun. He had a look of seriousness in his eyes. The smile on his lips had lowered down as he waited for her response. She was glad that he was asking her permission, instead of ushering her out of the room along with her belongings to his room. 

"Nothing needs to happen before the wedding," he added, and this had her question even more on what had got Calhoun to ask her to move into his room. "Nobody ever comes to enter this quarters. We don't have to tell it to your family or anyone else."

She bit the inside of her cheek, wondering if she should say yes or a no. In a few days she would be living in his room so did it make much difference if she moved now or later? Madeline asked in her mind. 

"Okay," she agreed, and Calhoun beamed.