Beginning of changes- Part 3

"I am happy that you are here with me, Ruby," said Lucy without hiding the love and attachment she had towards the elderly woman. 

"And I feel privileged to be taking care of you, Lady Lucy. I know you will one day turn to be one of the finest women of this land," there was a promise in Ruby's voice and Lucy grinned. Now only if her grandmother could think and see what Ruby saw, thought Lucy to herself. 

"Today's supper time is going to be something, it is good that you aren't going to the dining room," whispered Amice before quickly turning behind to make sure there was no one at the door. 

Lucy nodded her head thoughtfully. It wasn't that she wanted to skip her meals purposefully, but coincidently turned out this way. Her mother, Samara was upset because her husband  had brought some woman's son into the castle, but there were two other people who were more upset than Lady Samara in the castle.