Sound of pearls- Part 3

Lucy continued to hug Ruby because she missed the warmth and love from this woman as her own mother had failed to provide her with the assurance and safety that she wanted to feel. Even though she lived in the castle that provided her delicious food, beautiful view and abundant wealth, it continued to feel hollow. 

"I wish things were different," responded Lucy, and the woman patted the back of Lucy's head. 

"I know. It will get better," the woman pacified Lucy's mind, and after a while, they finally pulled away from each other. "How about I make your favourite dessert today. I will have it sent to your room, and once you eat it, you feel better. Yes?" the woman placed her hand on Lucy's cheek.

Lucy nodded her head, "I know I shouldn't say this, but...sometimes I wished you were my mother." 

The elderly woman offered Lucy a warm smile, "Take care now. I will see you later."