The Cellar - Part 3

Lucy watched him get back to the chair he was previously sitting, her heart felt full just by the sight of him. Gone was the combed hair which was neat in the morning. His hair now was dishevelled, and his glasses in his pocket. 

"Did you enjoy the wedding?" he asked her. 

"Um," Lucy nodded her head. "Calhoun is finally married. I was married. Are you going to marry too?"

"Do you want me to?" asked Theodore, his gaze fixed on hers. 

Lucy shook her head, "It is up to you, isn't it," she whispered to him. "Who was that woman in blue dress with pearls around her neck." 

"Lady Paulina. Why do you ask?" Theodore kept his tone to be nonchalant. Running his finger round and round on the rim of the glass. 

"You seemed to be glued to her, that's all," replied Lucy, bringing the glass back to her lips before she took a sip without meeting Theodore's eyes.