Time to return- Part 2

Beth stared at the ceiling of the small room she was in. To think that she would be able to go home soon, it felt like a decade had passed since she had left Devon and since she had seen her sister and the rest of her family. 

In the last few months, she had worked hard under the help of James, whom she had come to value as a good friend here and the person in charge Jagger and Ms. Reina. Lifting her hand up in the air as she laid on the bed, she brought her hand closer, noticing how calouse they had turned because of the work done here. 

'Why is there dirt on my dress!' she heard her own voice in her head, her eyes looking lost as she continued to stare at her hands. 

'Mister, do you know how expensive this is?' asked Beth to the man in the market when she had gone to get vegetables with her sister. She had only turned sixteen and she had saved enough shillings to get the money with her.