Loving Mother

[ Chapter 1 ]

The sun was high on the horizon and its light leaks through the curtain as the chill slowly fading into warm.

"Owh!" I groaned as I slowly rose from the bed, my head feel dizzy.

The room refused to stay still and the vague but constant pounding in my head reminded me of the bottle of the wine I had last night.

"What was that?" I asked myself as the memory of last night resurfaced in my mind but I was too dizzy to remember things.

"Never again." I promised as I slowly made my way out the bed, feeling there was something important I ought to remember but not quite sure what it was.

My name is Vincent Long and It has been almost two year since I married the love of my life. We have a wonderful and loving marriage relationship.

We had been dating for eight years before I'm sure she is my right one, the woman I want to spend my entire life with, so I had proposed her in her nineteenth birthday and we married a year later.

Now she was twenty one old beautiful young woman and I'm twenty three years old handsome young man. The things went well for both of us as we really have a blissful relationship.

Angela Qin is my wife, she was an extremely beautiful woman with her magnificent ink-blank hair draped over her waist like waterfall.

Her deep blue eyes are accentuated by her heart-shaped chin and a pair of sweet lips.

She stands at 5'8'' and her statuesque figure is perfect. Smooth white skin and charming smile. I love everything about her.

Beauty is in the eye of beholder and in my eyes, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met, not gonna lie this might be the reason why I married her in the first place.

Beautiful side aside, she was too good to be true and I'm into her too much. She is such a caring, understanding, and loving woman. What I love most about her is I don't know but I feel myself complete with her.

As for myself, though it might sound narcissistic, I myself am an insanely handsome man with gorgeous figure. As a mixed of asian and westerner one could expect how dangerously handsome I could be.

I'm standing at 6'2'' and my glorious build never fails to make any woman flinging their panties off for me.

I'm the type of hot guy women always get their panties wet of and I'm sure I could have become the hottest male model if I decided to career in playgirl magazine.

The chances of me having countless women to warm my bed is quite high as I have always received a slutty look from countless women I had met. That was not surprise considering how handsome, hot and wealthy man I am.

Unfortunately for them, my love for my wife is held over everything else so the idea of me cheated behind her is quite low.

My love life with my wife is great, so is our sexual life. For her our relationship is based on mutual understanding and she was the type of woman who was not into sex that much. Still that was not the problem as I love the way she is.

I'm the only ever man in her life and she loved me so much, I have seen to what extent she loved me and I could tell she is the type of woman who devoted her entire self for a man.

Though she is not into sex that much but I always find her irresistible and never a single night had passed for us without me pounding her beneath me.

I could say that I'm a sensual man with high sexual appetite. So for me having a beautiful woman such as my wife I couldn't help it. Though the most of time it was always me who do the work in our love making and I don't mind.

She has always been nagging at me about how high my sexual drive, and sometimes she was too tired to serve me so it was quite normal for me to vent my excessive sexual need by masturbating in front of her.

And again, I don't mind about it as I find myself is quite satisfied with it. Occasionally when my wife was tired I just stroke myself in front of her sleeping figure, imagining myself pounding her beneath me, and came with so much fluids a moment later.

How much my love for my wife? I love her so much to the point she has always been in most of my sexual fantasy when I was masturbating.

The result of my high sexual drive is I got my wife pregnant. Honestly, we were not planning to have child this soon as both of us is quite young.

I always refuse using a condom when we were doing it because I want to feel all of her, so I had her consume the pill in every every morning.

Just when we were planning to get her IUD everything was too late as we found out that she has been pregnant for a month. Not even a second had we thought about aborting it as the child is the fruit of our love, so in the end we decided to live with it.

Both of us were nervous but at the same time are also anticipating the pregnancy.

Honestly, she herself was too excited with the pregnancy and decided to take a semester off from the college.

As for myself I'm in the process of taking over my family company from my father, he was one of the business magnate and the company itself was one of the leading group in the nation.

Aside with my wife, I also happened to live with her mother who in other word my mother in law. My life is a complete life as I also have a loving and caring mother in law who always there for us.

Madeline Qin, my mother in law is a widow since her husband passed away three years ago due to cancer he had been fighting for over six years.

I know that she loved her husband dearly and she was completely devastated when her husband's passing. My wife could not bear leaving her alone when she was about moving with me so she had her mother also live with us.

She was the type of graceful woman and dutiful wife, I could tell how devoted she was as she once stated that she against the idea of finding another man, she said there would always be only man in her entire life

And sure enough her life is revolving just around hanging out with her friends and taking cafe of us. She always cook for us and occasionally help us with whatever we needed.

I know countless of men had pursued her and It was not surprising looking at how beautiful woman she was, but as always she turned every of their advance as she stated she is one man woman.

An extremely beautiful woman with elegant figure, she was thirty eight years old but her curvaceous figure belied her age. It could be said that she looks like woman in her early thirties with her girlish aura.

Everyone including myself would always find her more look like elder sister to my wife rather than a mother.

She was more the type of elder sister next door to me, warm is a perfect word I described about her.

She is so gentle, and girly too. Always pays meticulous attention to her looks, doing aerobics, yoga, the stairmaster, and the treadmill.

She has always been loving and caring for me since the beginning I dated her daughter many years ago and I love her dearly, as a mother of course.

Her statuesque frame stands tall at 5'6" and her breasts are full and firm. Her waist is slim and her hips have a distinctive womanly curve that completes her hourglass figure.

Her beautiful oval face was framed by her magnificent brown hair that flows over her waist in big sweeping wavy. Her green eyes were limpid pools that simply invited me to drown in them.

And her plump full lips, it making me feel guilty as I always intoxicated by her luscious red lips whenever she spoke.

But what I loved most about her is her smile, she has an enchanting and alluring smile I would never get enough of it. The way those sweet cherry lips biting each other gently, those blushing dimples, I always find myself captivated by its sweetness.

My wife is just like a mini her, though my wife is somehow more beautiful, but she has not have her mother mature charm yet.

Unbeknownst to anyone, though it might sound so taboo and degenerate of me, sometimes I find myself imagining my mother in law when I was making love with my wife. And also there was a times she was my fantasy when I was masturbating.

I know myself that this is so wrong, but I think it was not so wrong when I just imagining things. I mean everyone have their own fantasy and it was just in my mind okay, as I never have a dirty mind about touching her inappropriately in actual life.

I badly love my wife and I respect and dearly love my mother in law. She was like a second mother figure to me and she loves me as if I were her real son.

I know of it because she always said that she wanted to have her own son, unfortunately she can only have a child who is my wife, it might because the health issue of her late husband they can't have another child.

Fortunately she said that it was not that sad for her when I got into her life, ever since I dated my wife back then she always fond and doting on me.

The problem is due to my wife early periods of pregnancy I have been abstain for more than two months and to be honest it was quite difficult on my side.

My sexual drive is always high and I have to masturbate every morning to cool the heat inside me. Had I can have intercourse with pregnant woman the things won't be this difficult for me.

The fact that I have such beautiful mature woman living under the same roof did have a huge impact on my male hormones.

Who am I to be blamed? Since she regard me as her son she was quite open and behave without restrain with me. When I said about open I really meant it, she has always dressed in thin and revealing dress since she said it was more comfortable.

It resulted I don't dare to wear any of thin boxer in my own house since oftentimes the mere sight of her in her thin dress got me hard and to be honest, it was so uncomfortable because I don't want her to see me like I was a shameful and uncultured man who is lusting over his own mother.

Even so deep within I always wondering does she knows that her charm is badly affected me? I mean, no matter what I'm still grown man in my prime and she was a mature woman who has insanely gorgeous figure.

So I think I'm not completely in the wrong here, sometimes I wanted to say that I'm a healthy man and it's better for her to stop wearing those revealing clothes because it made me so uncomfortable, but I don't have the courage to say so.

Speaking of which, yesterday my wife went to her paternal ancestral home and she will be there for about a week, she said that her family have a tradition for their pregnant daughter in which resulted she had to stay in their home for a period of time.

As I slowly walk my way toward the bathroom, bits and pieces of last night memory came back to my mind.

I remembered, I had a quite and warm evening with my beautiful mother in law.

The flirtatious chat, we had talked and laughed. Her constantly keeping my glass full.

That tight silk-dress that beckoned my eyes to her more than generous curves. Her warm eyes that seemed to caress me whenever she looked at me.

As I splashed cold water in my face, a new image struck my mind. Me holding her warm, soft body against mine, her wonderfully sweet lips meeting my own in a long, intense, soul-warming kiss.

"Oh My God!" I exclaimed and stared at myself in the mirror. What the hell had happened?! Had I kissed my mother in law?!

"What the—" I gasped when something struck me and I hurried back to the bedroom, headache and grogginess completely forgotten.

I was wide awake as I stepped back into the room I had shared with my wife and saw the rumbled bed. My side was naturally in a complete disarray.

The sheets is completely in a mess and a discarded panties and bra could be seen scattered across the floor. The proof of a night's tossing and turning after passionate love making.

But My wife was a clean-freak person so she would most certainly not left her bed in such a chaotic state. And also my wife still in her paternal grandmother house so it was unlikely she had been here last night.

"What!" I gasped as I caught a whiff of a familiar scent around the room, the scent I'm very familiar with.

Still in shocking state I stepped closer to the bed only to found what I'm afraid of. I could see the dried shameful fluid spread across sheets and a thick scent of sex scent hit my nostril.

"W-Wait..." I muttered in nervous, more and more worried as the unmade bed sparked yet another image.

My mother in law on all fours, grasping the sheet, her neck and back arched beautifully as she cried out in agonizing bliss.

And me? I was... I was behind her, holding her soft rounded hips while I...

"Oh God!" I cried. It had happened. What have I done. I had cheated on my wife, with her very mother.

Dear wife, I was scum.

[ End of chapter ]