Love It Rough

[ Chapter 12 ]

I sat absent mindedly in my silent office room, Madeline had long gone but her sweet scent is still lingering in my room.

"Vincent, what have you done." I mumbled as I closed my eyes. I feel ashamed at myself on how I had treated my mother in law just now.

She had made it so good for me, and I had just abused her in return. I'm such a bastard, how can I abused and fucked her roughly? I slapped her hard and even screamed at her inappropriately? I'm such a scum.

. . .

The rest of day went about as usual. That is, if usual was having my extremely extremely attractive mother in law flirt with me and try to be caught in every compromising situations.

Like invitingly leaning in to hand me the sauce at launch, showing off the deep cleavage the low-cut blouse that she had put on after getting out of her overly slutty French maid-outfit.

Or bending over at the waist when picking on the phone in the table, letting her skirt slide up over the stocking-tops, showing off her juicy white thighs above them.

Yeah, this was what counted for normal around here now, apparently. Still, even if she didn't seem to harbour me any resentment, I felt guilty for the way I had behaved with her at my office room.

The post-orgasmic high had long faded and I was once more a gentle son in law, and my gentle self felt very bad for fucking her so rough and ungentlemanly.

"Madeline." I gently called her name as we sat at the dining table, she was sitting next to me and humming softly as she sliced the meat elegantly.

"Yeah?" She titled her head at me and smiled, her loving smile only further making me like I'm kind of bastard for treating bad such a lovely woman.

"Sorry." Was all I could say as I slightly bowed my head down, ashamed for what I did, I remembered that I even calling her as slut in midst of our fucking. I fisted my palms as I so disappointed at myself.

"Shh, it's okay." She whispered as she knew what I apologised for, her gentle voice soothed me. She should be mad at me but instead she put her arms around me. Her soft touch felt so good and it was far, far more than I deserved.

Madeline reached her hand and gently held my head, she titled my bowing head to the side, my eyes meeting her gentle gaze.

"It's okay. It was hot! The way you cut loose and just took what you wanted? God, I really loved it!" She gave me an alluring smile, and I nearly lost my breath. But even so.

"But still." I said, "It must have been really uncomfortable.. me being so.."

"Rough? Eager? Controlling?" She finished for me.

"Uncomfortable, yeah, sure. It hurt. But I hurt so good! Vincent, You gotta understand that once you get me going, and you really get me going." Her voice got a little thick at that, "I'm up for almost anything."

"I eh?" I was simply taken aback, my head processing her words and I could only stare at her in awe at my discovery, so she was the type of submissive? Loving being dominated? Oh my god.

"Madeline." I reached my hand at her firm butt, it was not a lust but caring touch, and I also want to confirm about something.

"Is it still hurt?" I asked earnestly as my hand caressing her butt cheeks. I don't even remember how many times I slapped her ass so hard, it must be hurtful for her since I remember how crimson her ass was with my handprints and I feel so bad.

"It's fine." She assured me. "It was a little slap and I'm okay. More than okay, it was actually kinda hot. I love when you take control like that."

She continued, "You just need to know that you can do anything to me, have your way to all of my body and I love the way you took me."

"Madeline, are you?" I gasped and she knows what I mean.

Madeline gave me bashful look as a pink blush graced her beautiful face, she bit her lip and confessed, "Yes. Honestly, Um, I'm a bit of submissive, I love it rough. I love being dominated by you."

I could feel my awestruck face morphed into a chuckle. Amused, knowing that the elegant and dignified mother in law I so adored actually have this kind of side.

Honestly, years of my sexual life is always soft and gentle, since I was a faithful lover and husband, Angela was the one and only my sexual partner.

Our sexual life is good really and I dearly love her. She was apple in my eyes and I treated her gently, even in intercourse I had never been rough with her since I don't want to hurt her even a scratch.

But now, I realized how heavenly it felt having sex with this extremely beautiful mother in law of mine and I loved it.

With Angela I had never been like this before, sex with Madeline is wild, wanton, relentless. And I wouldn't lie, I love feeling of having her surrendered to me.

Madeline looked at me and I could see the nervous in her eyes. Chewing her inner lips she asked softly, "I- don't you think I'm a slut?"

I brought my hand to her face and gently caressed her blushing cheek, "No, I love the way you're."

She sighed in relief, she pulled an enchanting smile and flirtatiously whispered, "Maybe I'm a slut, but I'm only slut to you, Vincent Long."

"Oh my Madeline." I leaned in and sealed her lips in passionate kiss.

[ End of chapter ]