First Zombie

[All players have been gathered

The tutorial will now commence]

'Where am I?' Alex opened his eyes to a dark murky sky. When he moved his arms and legs, he could feel the rough concrete ground below him.

'Wow, it's so realistic." Alex could see every single hair on his arm as if it were his own. As he slowly felt around his own body, he became more and more confused.

He was still wearing the small dirty shirt he had on before he entered the game, his phone was even in his pocket, although it doesn't seem to have any battery.

'Damn, is the maker of this game a pervert?' Alex could still smell the two-week-old vomit stain on his pants from when he first got wasted.

While virtual reality games were becoming more and more realistic, it could not emulate what the user is currently wearing. Alex did not know this because he never played many games, growing up.

Unbeknownst to Alex, he was no longer in a game. His entire body and soul had been transported into the game.

Alex found himself in a large street, but it gave him an eerie feeling. It was too quiet. Not a single soul to be found. He was scared by the absolute silence, but even more scared of breaking it.

Abandoned cars surrounded him. Some were even upside down. 'What happened here?' Alex thought to himself, too scared to speak out loud.

[Assimilation commencing]

Alex felt a flood of information enter his brain. It gave him a headache worse than his cramming days.

[Lunera has been plagued by an extremely infectious and dangerous disease known as the Zombie Virus. This virus is spread by the saliva and blood of the infected which when inside a person's bloodstream will change the person within a day. This has led to 99% of the population of the world becoming infected within the first week.

These zombies have stronger senses, especially in hearing and smell. Their eyes also became stronger, allowing them to see in the dark, but it made most zombies near-sighted. Zombies, therefore, were more dangerous at night as they could hide in the darkness.

Scientists also discovered that zombies are able to absorb something in the air to evolve. While humans can also absorb this energy from the air, zombies were able to do so passively during the day when they were less active.

These zombies were classified into tiers. The first type of zombies is tier-one. They have no abilities and while they are slightly stronger than an average person, they are also slower. Anyone can defeat a tier-one zombie with the help of a weapon, but there are billions of tier-one zombies.

Tier-two zombies appeared a week after tier-ones, and they are able to command up to 50 tier-one. Even without any help from other zombies, a single tier-two zombie can fight off 5 people or 1 tier-two human without a problem. After the first week, 1 out of every 10 zombies became tier-two, causing major problems for settlements.

The strongest zombie tier classified by humans was tier-three. The first one was spotted a month after the zombie apocalypse. The tier-three zombie completely destroyed two settlements with thousands of zombies before being eliminated by the collaboration of 3 tier-three humans.

The World Salvation Organization declared tier-three zombies as extremely dangerous and should be eliminated before they can become even stronger. As for zombie tiers above 3, some believed they existed in zombie cities overrun by zombies.]

'Zombie apocalypse seems fun.' Alex started to get used to the gloomy environment. Stilling thinking he was in a game, Alex daydreamed about crushing hundreds of zombies with one punch.

[To finish the tutorial, you must complete one of the main missions


1. Survive the zombie wave (0/1)

2. Kill 100 zombies (0/100)


1. Find 10 subordinates (0/10)

2. Kill 10,000 zombies (0/10,000)

3. Bench-Press 1 alive Tier-Two zombie (0/1)


"BENCH-PRESS A TIER-TWO ZOMBIE!?!?" Alex quickly covered his mouth, hoping no zombie heard him, he looked around. 'Who the hell would be so bored?'


A zombie slowly crawled out from under a car. Its skin looked blistered as if it had been sunbathing in an oven. It swayed left and right as it approached Alex.


It cried out again. It didn't yell for no reason: yelling allowed the zombie to release all the air contained in their body so that they can inhale more air into their nose to smell their prey, but for survivors, its ability to smell isn't the biggest problem. Instead, the cries attracted more zombies to the location.

Alex, panicking, searched around him for a weapon, but the largest thing he could find was school books left by students. 'This is why books are useless!"

While Alex could easily run away, he felt like he would lose part of life if he did so. Ever since his parents died, he had been running away from his problems, and why would you be a coward in a game, it's not like you'll die.

As the zombie wobbled closer to Alex, his heart pumped faster, and his adrenaline activated. He could smell the rotting corpse scent similar to a durian radiate from the zombie's mouth.

Alex was excited. He grabbed the largest book he could find which was a calculus book that gave him migraines for an entire year. Now he's gonna return the feeling to the zombie.

The zombie lunged at Alex with its arms stretched out, trying to pull him in for a bite. Alex took a step back and kicked the zombie's chest, knocking it back. He then smashed down with the book directly on the zombie's head.

'Why did this book hurt me so much more?'

The zombie, completely unfazed, kept inching closer. Alex blanked out for an instant but came back to his senses just as quickly. He threw the book into the zombie's face, blocking its vision, then Alex weaved his body under the zombie's arm and behind it.

With one foot anchoring the zombie's foot to the ground, he shoved the zombie from the back onto the ground face flat. Alex then stomped the zombie's head into the pavement with his foot until all that remained was a headless body and a pile of mush.

'I guess those karate lessons were useful after all' Alex never realized the importance of martial arts when he was still on Earth because he never had to use his skills, but in a zombie apocalypse, everything helps.

[Killed 1 Tier-one zombie

Gained 5 experience (5/5)

Gained 1 Level (1)

Gained 1 Potential Point (1)

Unlocked STATUS


2. Kill 100 zombies (1/100)


2. Kill 10,000 zombies (1/10,000)]

'I gained a level?' After his endeavor with the zombie, he almost thought he wasn't in a game until he saw the floating bar reappear in front of him.

'Status!' Alex thought.

[Alex Jian

(LEVEL: 1 (0/10)) (CLASS: NONE)







'My willpower is pretty low.' Alex sighed in disappointment because he knew it would be low.


A group of at least 10 zombies shifted towards him. They must have heard the first zombie. Alex knew he couldn't fight so many zombies, so he bolted into the closest building.