
Alex waking up with the smell of breakfast he starts to open his eyes and rub them to wake himself up, but what he didn't expect was for there to be something sticky on his hand that got into one of his eyes. Shooting up from his bed Alex runs to the bathrooms with one eye closed as that eye got something on it, to look on the mirror to see what got on his eye and wash it off.

Almost breaking the door down Alex barges into the bathroom to see what was in his eye. In the bathroom Alex starts to look in the mirror to see black stuff all over him and his clothes.

Alex surprised for o my a second as he starts to remember the tattoo and that it must have done this and cleaned his body of the impurities in his body.

As Alex thinks this he starts to smell an unbearable stink coming from his body and knows that he should probably take a shower quickly before his sister sees him, knowing this he calls to his sister that he will be taking a shower.

"I'm taking a shower alright"

"Okay, just come in here and eat when you done"

His sister calls back as she almost done with the breakfast

Alex steps out of the shower and then wraps a towel around his waist and exits the bathroom and walks into the kitchen. Seeing Rose waiting for Alex, he walks up behind Rose still in a towel.



Rose spins around and as Alex and Rose meet eyes she is speechless when she sees Alex's face and muscles.

"Who-, Whe-"

"What's wrong Rose?"

Alex asks as he sees that his sister has a fully red face and shock is all over her face.

"Is there something on my face?"

Alex asks again as Rose is still not talking to him or giving any answers as she is to shocked from seeing Alex's face that was by far the most handsome face she has ever seen that was better than any actor or models. As she was looking at his face she looked at his eyes and hair and saw that his eyes had completely changed as they were purple that felt like they were piercing through her soul and watching her every move, from their original black, and as she looked closer at his hair she saw that it was pitch black and not brown anymore. Noticing this she started to look down at his chest and stomach area where an 8 pack was with lean muscles that were shining from the water that was still clinging to his body.


As Rose hears Alex calling her name she snaps out of her daze and looks up at Alex's face to see worry on it.


"What do you mean silly, I'm your brother, Alex"

Rose with a confused face that was extremely red from her blushing asks and Alex responses as she picked her cheeks.

"And you're my cute sister, Rose"

Alex finishes as he stops pinching his sister's cheeks. Rose puts on a pouty face and stomps her foot on the ground and tells him to sit down. Rose does not ask how he got to look like that as she knows he will tell her she. he wants to tell her.

"Alright my cute Rose, but let me go get dressed first"

Alex smirks when Rose's face starts to turn as red as a tomato as she forgot that Alex had no clothes on and was half naked with only a towel on his waist. As Alex gets dressed they then sit down and start eating while they talk to each other about what they will be doing at school and if there are any tests or exams. As they finish they then get up and clean the table and walk to their school together.

As they both near school the students start to question who if Alex is someone new. As more people start questioning there is then a huge group around Alex in seconds as he is bombarded with questions. Alex not knowing what to do just stands there, overwhelmed by all the questions and people huddled around him. Alex starts to look for Rose because she is not near him anymore and he is afraid she might be hurt by the people around him.

As he looks around he spots Rose behind all the people that are surrounding him. Alex sneakily disappears from the group of people and appears behind Rose and tells her that we should leave.


Rose agrees that they should get out of there and go to class as there might be an even bigger group if they just stand there. As they leave the group notices that Alex was not there anymore and tries to look around for him, but as Alex and Rose are now inside the school they cannot find them.

Opening the door to his classroom Alex walks into everyone staring at him.


Alex lets out as he walks to his seat and starts to sit down, as he sits down everyone whispers and notes start to pass around the room.

"Is that Alex?"

"No way"

"But he sat in Alex's seat, so he must be"

"I don't care if he's Alex or not, look how hot he is"

A few girls say as they see Alex's face as he sits down.

"He probably got surgery bro"

"Yeah he must of there's no way someone can look like that without having surgery"

All the guys let out as they are jealous of Alex's looks and start to insult him.

"Pff, look at those eyes, he had to of had surgery, there purple"

"Yeah now that I look at it he does have purple eye; I don't think that's normal"

"Haha, he does, they look so retarded"

The guys start to say as they start to judge how he looks and want to bring his moral down as they have nothing else they can do.

"Your just mad you don't look even half as good as him"

"Yeah, dog face"

Girls start to say back to the insults that were thrown Alex's way.

Alex starts to smirk at what the girls said as the guy did kind of look like a dog. As they were arguing back and forth a note was being passed around the boys where they were putting insults on it and when there was enough they would pass it to Alex to see his reaction, but before they could pass it to Alex the teacher walks in and sees all the kids talking and people passing notes around.

When the teacher sees that everyone was talking and passing notes she starts to get angry and yells at everyone to quiet down and sit. As everyone sits down and shuts up she goes up to a boy with a note in is hands and steals it from his hands.

Looking at the note the teacher then looks at the boy again with a cold gaze and tells him

"Meet me after school"

And as she says that she then looks in Alex's direction and sees a new face, but now caring about it she says to him with a smile to meet her at the end of the day also.

After that school goes normally with Alex not really caring about it as he looks out the window with a bored face. The end of the day nears as he is in his last class of the day with only 5 minutes left. As the time ticks away and the bell rings signaling the end of the class and the end of school for today. Alex gathers all his papers and homework that he has and puts them in his bag and exits the classroom. Exiting the classroom, he texts his sister and says that he will be after school for a while and after he sends the text he heads to the class he was asked to go the at the end of the day.

Opening the door, he is met by the teachers face and a face full of tears and snot running down the guys face to his lips. As he opens the door they both turn and look at the one who opened the door to see who it is, as they both look over they see a handsome face with pitch black hair and purple eyes.

Recognizing the face the teacher asks him to come in, as Alex opens the door fully and steps inside the teacher then tells the boy who was crying to leave and to never do what he did again or she would tell the principal and he would be expelled.

As snot drips down the guys face he starts to nod and says that he will never do it again ever and then gets up and speed walks out of the classroom as he is scared of what might happen if he is in there a second longer.

When the kid leaves the teacher goes over to the door to shut it and as she goes back to her desk and sits down.

"Alex right?"


Alex replies to what she said and then asks why she asked if I was Alex.

"Well I couldn't tell, you look so...different"

She replies with a smile.

"Do I really look that different?"

"Yeah, you do, I could barely recognize you, what happened?"

"Well I did workout"

Alex replies to what she asked and smiles at her.

A tint of red appears on her cheeks as she see Alex's smile to only be gone in the next second as she corrects her composure, but it didn't go unnoticed by Alex as he smirks for a second and then puts on a smile.

As she corrects her composure she starts asking about how Alex has been doing and if he is okay. Alex says that he is doing fine and that he is okay and after that the teacher asks about bullying and if he is being bullied. Alex answers with a no, and Alex does remember this body did get bullied but as the Alex now is a god he won't tolerate being bullied so he says no knowing that he is lying but not technically as if he sees the bullies again and they start acting up he will beat the shit out of them until they learn their lesson.

When their conversation is over, the teacher then says that she was done talking and that Alex could leave.

"Alright, I'll be going"

Alex says smiling to the teacher and gets up from the chair and walks to the door and opens it but before he leaves he turns around and says

"Thanks for worrying Caroline"

Alex then leaves the classroom and closes the door, but before he fully closes the door he sees Caroline's face fully red and he starts smiling at it.

Opening the door to the house Alex walks in and quietly walks into the living room and sees Rose watching TV and quietly walks behind Rose.


Rose screams and turns around and sees her brother's face and starts yelling at him to not do that and she hits his chest.

"Alright, Alright, I'm sorry, I can make it up to you"

Alex says as he smiles at her and then he takes his hand out from his back and a rose is in his hand.

"You're my one and only rose and that's the reason there is only one rose"

Alex says smiling at her and hands the Rose to her which she takes and holds to her chest who is shocked and a little excited as she blushes and turns away from her brother's handsome face.