
"L-Let me go!"

A girl screams as Alex walks down the hall to his classroom trying to get the least amount of attention he could get, but when he turned his head to look at who was screaming out he saw his bullies.

With an amused face Alex starts to walk up to the bullies whose names were Jack and Blake.

"Stop struggling bitch!"

Blake yelled at the girl as she starts to thrash around to get away from Blake's grip as Jack encourages Blake.

"Come with us, we bet you'll have a good time"

Jack says as Blake tells the girl to stop struggling. The girl trips in her struggle and falls onto the ground and as she starts to get up Blake starts walking towards her.

"Look what you did bitch, you hurt yourself"

Blake says as he starts to grab her hair and pull her up off the ground and brings her head near his. Before he can say anything else, a hand grabs onto his wrist from the left.

Looking to his left Blake sees Alex and a smirk appears on his face as he tries to move his left arm away from the girls hair to grab onto Alex's collar but to no avail as all he could do was let go of the girls hair.

As Blake sees that his hand is not moving he starts to use his full force, but to still no avail and he starts to look at Alex and starts to mock him.

"Hey dip shit, fuck you think you're doing, let go of me this instance or my dad will come beat your ass"

He says in a loud voice attracting other people over to them as they start to form a big group.

"Hahaha....the last time someone said that to me they ended up 6 feet under"

Alex starts to laugh at his comment as a cold chill runs down everyone's spine and death flashes before their eyes from Alex's blood lust especially Blake as he was the one Alex pointed his blood lust at as Blake sees flashes of frightening beast that could kill him with just their breath.


A clean and crisp crack sounds out as Alex tightens his grip and Blake starts to scream. Lost by frustration Blake throws a punch at Alex but before it could even come a foot of him he already caught it and twisted his arm then punched his elbow shattering his arm.


Blaze screams as he gets his arm shattered but before even a second of screaming he gets punched in his face bruising it and giving him a nosebleed.

"If I see your dumbass face again I will slit your stomach and hold you up so your organs slowly fall out"

Alex threatens in a cold whisper that is carried across the halls entering everyone's ears.

Grabbing Alex's hand, the girl who introduces herself as Adrianna. 'Adrianna? I have heard of that name somewhere. Where though?' Alex thought to himself as he heard her say her name. 'Oh, now I remember, she's one of the school beauties' Alex thought.


Adrianna says as they begin to walk down the hall with stares of shock and fear at Alex for what he just did.

"Sorry you had to see that"

"It's fine, he deserved it, you're in Caroline's class right?"

"Yea, why?"

"Oh, well I'm in her class also"

"Now that I think about it, you are in my class"

They both chat as they walk down the halls their class. Walking into the class they both go their separate ways as people start rumors about both.

ticktock ticktock ticktock

Alex sitting in his last class looking out the window bored because everything the teacher talks about Alex already knew as he learned all the subjects earlier today when he was told to study so he just learnt every subject in seconds with the help of his eidetic memory and his memories as in one of them he was a genius.

As the class ends everyone picks their things up and starts to leave. Alex hearing everyone rushing out of the classroom and the teacher saying bye he starts to gather his stuff and leave, but before he could leave the teacher says that Ms. Caroline needs him.

Thinking she will only need him for a few minutes he doesn't message his sister and just walks to her classroom. Opening the door, he is greeted by Caroline reading a book sitting at her desk.

"Whatcha reading?"

Alex asks as he closes the door and Caroline puts her book down.

"Anne Frank's diary"

"You like it?"

"Yea it's fine, but that's not why I asked you here"

Caroline says as she answers him but remembers that she was supposed to be asking him something not him.

"Heard you got into a fight, what's up?"

"Ah..Well..They started it.."

"Alex.." Caroline starts but sighs, "Just don't do it again and don't get yourself hurt"

"Ooh seems you care about me, I'm touched"

Alex says as he puts his hand over his heart and smiles at her. As Caroline hears this her face gets flushed but she coughs and starts to correct herself as she lost her composure again.

"Whatever that's about all I had to say, so you can leave"

Caroline says as she closes her eyes and waits for Alex to walk out the room and close the door, but after a few seconds she doesn't hear the sound of the door closing but Alex hugging her. Opening her eyes quickly she looks at the one hugging her and sees Alex in her embrace.

"Thanks for worrying about me Caroline"

"I-I-It's w-w-wh-what a teacher s-should d-d-do"

She responds with a flushed face as she was surprised at Alex random hug and after a second she starts to hug back. Hugging for a few more seconds Alex then says that he will take her for dinner sometime to repay her but she starts to decline but with Alex's persuasion she finally gives in and agrees to meet tomorrow at 6 pm.

Opening the door to the house Alex steps in and as he starts to walk towards his room Rose runs at him and knocks him down then starts to beat his chest as she was waiting for her brother because they agreed to walk home today, but as Alex was talking with Caroline he wasn't able to walk with her and she had to walk home alone.

"Where did you go! Why weren-"

Rose starts to scream at Alex but before she could finish she smells perfume and a look of anger appears on her face as she screams to him again but this time about the perfume.


Rose starts to scream at him with an even angrier face.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, Caroline wanted to talk to me again"

Alex explains quickly as Rose beats his chest with her fist.

"W-Why didn't you tell m-me"

Rose says quietly with a flushed face as she stops hitting his chest.

"I thought it wouldn't take that long so that's why I didn't tell you"

"J-Just t-tell me next t-t-time"

Alex agrees and Rose says that she will make dinner while he goes and puts his stuff away and take a shower.

Opening the door to his room Alex goes to the kitchen as he just got dressed after taking a shower and sits down as Rose puts the plates on the table and sits down too.

"Why did Ms. Caroline ask you to meet her?"

"She just wanted to know about me fighting"

Alex explained as to why she asked him to meet her after school.

"You had a fight?" Rose says shocked, "I didn't hear about it, are you hurt anywhere, show me if you are"

"No, no I'm fine, I didn't get hurt anywhere it was the other way around"

Alex says as he smiles when he says that the other guys got beat.

"Who did you fight?"

"Oh, it was just Jack and Blake, I was helping out a girl from one of my classes"

"Who is it that you helped?"

"It was Adrianna"

When Rose hears this, she starts to contemplate about what happened and she starts to become jealous of her as she thinks that there might be some feelings between them both, but she doesn't show it on her face.

"Oh really?" Rose starts as she wants to know what they did after, "Anything happen between you two?"

"No..uh we just went back to our class after that"


Rose lets out a sigh of relief as she was afraid Alex would leave her because Adrianna looked better than her as she was a school beauty. After that they just continued to talk about stuff they will do tomorrow or what they want to do.

Finishing dinner, they both start to clean the dinner table and wash the dishes. As they finish cleaning they go into the living room to watch a movie today, but this time it is a drama because Rose asked to watch it together with him.

Sitting down they turn on a drama movie and sit close to each other. After a few hours the movie ends, and they start to pick the blankets up and put them away.

"I'm going to sleep alright"

Alex says as he puts his blankets away and starts to feel tired.

"Ah...c-c-can w-w-we s-sleep...to-together a-again.."

Rose say as she wants to show her love for him as she does not want him to leave her. Alex hearing this is shocked for a second but then smiles as he says that they can sleep together, and he walks towards her room and enters.

Rose already in her bed under her covers hiding her face as she is embarrassed by what she just said to him. Alex seeing her hiding under the covers walks up to her bed and takes the blankets off then gets into the bed next to Rose and pulls the covers up.

After a while of sitting their Rose stops being embarrassed and goes closer to Alex to cuddle with him, but before she could get close to him Alex pulls her close to him and he starts to cuddle with her surprising her.

"Love you, Rose"

"I-I Love you too"

A few hours pass by and then their cuddling stops as they both go to sleep in each other's embraces.