Last Day (*R18* 2/2)

"Put it inside" Rose says as she looks at Alex in a seductive look. Alex complies with her request and slowly puts his dragon inside of her hole while pinching her erect nipples as his cock slides through her inner walls. Rose tenses up as Alex pushes further into her pussy expanding it because of how wide his cock is.

Alex seeing her tense up he stops his thrust for a while to let her recover. After a few seconds she started to look fine, so he began to thrust into her slowly at first but picking up the pace after a few seconds.

"A-Ahh~ y-ye-yes" Rose says in between getting pounded by Alex who is now thrusting into Rose.

"S-So g-goo-good" Rose said again while wrapping her legs around Alex and hugging him closer while telling him to fuck her harder.

After getting pounded a few more times she begins to squirm around as she yells, "I'MMm COMING!!" and within a few seconds she climaxed.

Her face was so beautiful as she climaxed with her mouth agape and a flushed face, her toes curled up and tongue sticking out. Alex's cum was gushing into her in loads as he too came when she came that lasted a few seconds until the last drops of cum were out of his cock and splattered all on Roses inner walls.

"Th-That was a-am-amazing" Rose said as she was trying to catch her breath after the intense session they just had.

"T-Thanks" Replied Alex as he was catching his breath also.

As he said this he started to lay down to sleep, but before he could fully lay down Rose said to him, "W-Wait, I-I-I want mo-more" with a lewd expression on. Alex looked at her with surprise all over his face, but sighed and agreed to her request and after doing it a couples times they finally were tired and stopped, but before they went to sleep Rose sucked Alex's cock to make sure it was clean and after that they finally went to sleep in each other's embraces with a smile of pure bliss.

Alex wakes up lying on the sofa with Rose in his embrace and smiling as she sleeps, but because Alex was leaving he decided he was going to wake her up before he leaves, so she can say her goodbyes to him.

Waking Rose up she begins to look around and spots Alex and after a while of staring at Alex.

"H-Hey, you're leaving r-right" she says with a sad face, but because she is still thinking about last night stutters.

"Yea, I'm leaving today" Alex replies as he hugs her passionately. "I'll be back next week to see you, so wait until then."

Rose nods her head and then they both go to the kitchen to eat breakfast and talk to each other. After eating Alex goes to his room to get his things packed, like sets of clothes and after that he says his goodbye to Rose. Opening a portal Alex says his last goodbye and enters the portal to be met by a jungle like place with trees that are so big he could not see the top from where he was.

To Alex's right was a swamp filled with many ferocious monsters that could eat him whole. Looking up Alex sees the sky is blood red with two moons in the sky and more ferocious monsters flying in the sky.

"Good to be back here" Alex says with a smile on his face and excitement in his voice.

The memory Alex saw when he was searching for a method to become stronger was a life where he was a master in space, making him able to pass through worlds, dimension, or a whole new universe to go to a different place. What caught his eye was a world that he went to in that life which was filled with ferocious monsters that were stronger than your normal magical beast.

The beasts in this world were so strong that the lowest was as strong as Alex was right now and he was strong, being at rank BB using the other worlds cultivation ranks. Alex knew all the ranks from E to SS as Rose told him them all one day when they were eating their dinner. The strongest in this world was way over SS as it was at Celestial King stage in the memory and as that was a few billion years ago the monster might be well past that stage entering Half-Immortal stage.

Alex's goal before he left the world was to kill the strongest monster here and claim this world run by beasts, but before Alex could do anything he needs to find a safe place to be able to rest and relax after a day of killing.

After a few minutes of searching Alex spots a cave in the side mountain that is near a lake, so he could get water anytime he needed it. Once Alex spots it he quickly teleports near it with his space law, but as there is most likely a monster inside he does not teleport inside. With that thought he starts to walk towards the entrance in slow and cautious steps as he is still not as strong enough to leisurely walk in there and kill the monster that resides within.

Slowly walking inside of the cave, he begins to look around for the monster or monsters that are inside, but as this cave seems to be big he does not spot them and continues down the cave until he finds it. As Alex is getting near the back of the cave he hears a low rumble like growl coming from in front of him and as he looks closer he spots the beast.

The beast was a white fox while two tails that is was growling at him in a defensive stance. 'Haha~, I was scared for nothing' Alex thought with a smirk as he sees the fox growling at him in defense with scratches and deep wounds all over its body.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I just want a place to sleep and rest, and this cave looked like a good place for it" Alex says as he stops walking and stands in front of the fox without fear on his face. The fox hearing him stops growling at him and gives him a stern gaze without leaving its eyes off Alex. Alex seeing it react like that smiles, 'Seems this fox has intelligence' Alex thought as he walks closer towards it with the sharp gaze of the fox watching his every move.

"Need some help?" Alex asks with a smile, "I can help if you want me as payment for letting me share this cave with you."

The fox hearing this looks at Alex for a few more seconds as it studies Alex's face to see if he has any ill intentions, but as it doesn't see any the fox agrees. "Fine" a small voice sounds out as the fox agrees to his request.

"Oh, you can talk, that's cool" Alex says as he walks closer towards the fox with a warm smile on his face and as the fox sees Alex's face its heart begins to shudder.

"Alright I'm going to begin" Alex says to the fox with a smile and touches its fur.

As Alex brings his hand towards the fox, the fox tenses up as it thinks that it will hurt when the human touches their fur, but to its surprise it doesn't feel pain at all but feels a feeling of comfort and warmth mixed with pleasure, that is better than anything it has ever felt.

"My names Alex, what's yours?" Alex says out of nowhere surprising the fox.

"Cy-Cynthia" The fox replies as she is still feeling the amazing feeling as Alex is healing her.

"I'm done" Alex says after a few minutes and then steps back and begins to walk towards a corner in the cave to sleep before he goes out to train.

"W-Wait" The fox says, "H-How can I r-r-repay you"

"You already did, I'm going to go to sleep now" Alex replied with as he continues walking.

"Y-Y-Y-You can sleep o-on m-m-m-me" Cynthia said stuttering, which surprises Alex for a few seconds as he smiles a few seconds later and walks towards her.

"Okay" Alex says as he continues walking towards her again with a smile on his face.

Cynthia was already laying down and Alex just laid down on top of her body, and as Alex laid down using her as a pillow he felt her soft fur and after laying there for only a few seconds he falls asleep.