Hurtful words and sudden anger.


The last date we had ended up with a break-up. 

This time, it has to be perfect. 

The drive back to my house is fast, all my nerves kick in as I think of spending the whole night with him alone. I have missed being intimate with him. after we had sex, things between us happened fast. I have never been surer about anything in my life than being with him. 

My phone blares brightly against the console in my car and I know it can't be Lance, he sent me a text a couple of minutes ago. He said he was going for lunch with Patrick. 

Patrick, my sworn enemy. The man that has eyes for my boyfriend. I completely trust lance. There is no doubt in my mind that what he feels for me is real because we have come a long way, but when someone as good looking as Patrick is lurking in the corners, I can't help but be worried. I have to keep a tight leash or else I might end up losing him.