Complete honesty


''Is Lance okay?'' Trick asks me with concern etched on his voice. 

I should be jealous that he is asking but I like to think we have gone past Lance and his crush. Yeah, I know there is no way he is over him but he is here with me right now. that has to count for something. 

''Yeah, just some issues with Ford,'' I answer him honestly. 

I have decided to try a new approach with Trick. I want whatever this is to blossom. There is no certainty that there is more to this than what it is right now, but I am hopeful. 

We are next to each other on the bed, nothing happened after my weird ass confession. He is not acting weird, maybe just a little uncomfortable. I can feel the heat emanating from his body. It makes me want to reach out for him and maybe touch him, see how my fingers will feel on his body. 

''What are you thinking about?'' he asks me softly.