Believe me


''Why are you always sad mommy?'' I ask her with a concerned look on my face. she is in bed, in her nightgown. This is the usual way I find her. She was always so happy. Always the life of a party. Mom used the be the one I would always want to be around but now; all she does is sleep. All she does is make me worry. 

''Mommy is very tired baby,'' she pulls me into her arms, and I rest my head on her chest, wrapping my little arms around her. 

''Dad said I shouldn't bother you. That you are sick, he said you wouldn't be happy to see me. he is lying right?'' 

''Your father doesn't know what is best for me. He doesn't know that you are my most favourite person on the planet.''

I look up at her and her eyes are closed as she whispers those words to me, it seems like it hurts for her to speak, I wish I could make it all better.