Plan in motion and the demons that come


"You don't have to involve yourself in this. I will handle it, just like I always have.'' He insists. For about fifteen minutes, I have been trying to convince Patrick that I am only here to help.

That maybe this might work.

"I know. There is a chance that this will fail and only cause more problems but there is no harm in trying. You can't live your life running. You need to know now and let this all just end.''

That is the truth. This must be eating him up. For a whole year, he has been running. Running away from the people that were supposed to protect him. If I can find out the truth. Know once and for all if the man is still alive. He will finally be free.

Even if he is dead, knowing for sure will definitely make him feel lighter. That weight that he has been carrying on his shoulders would finally be off. He will finally be able to stand tall.