

I am weak.

I pull the covers over my head, feeling numb to everything. Alanis doesn't know what to do. He is walking on eggshells around me. I completely understand why but I just need the space to breathe. He has done a lot for me; just being here with me is plenty. I am so tired of crying. 

I hear is footstep around the room but I can't muster the courage to look at him. I told him everything. I still can't believe it. I don't know what to think. It is all surreal to me. The fact that I only have memories of the man I look up to. The fact that I can't talk to him, or hold him anymore. In the blink of an eye I lost my father. 

The door to his room opens and I hear the voices. They are whispering but their words are clear as day "There is some footage from that night. I think you need to see it," Someone says but the voice is unrecognizable.