My family


He is here. 

In front of me and it is real. 

There is this part of my heart that only responds when I am close to Lanis and he is in my arms right now. He is alive and back to normal. 

His scent is the same as it was before he was pregnant. His skin is pale again. His hands are cold. He is back to the Lanis that I remember and I am not saying I didn't like him the way he was when he was pregnant but this is the man I fell in love with. Vampire Alanis. 

I am scared to let him go. I have been holding him for a while now and I can feel him want to let go. I know what he wants--or rather, who he wants right now. Our miracles, in their cribs. They are quiet but my heart is with them. I can feel them, just the same way I feel Lanis. There is this bond that I will never lose. 

One that I don't ever want to lose. I love both of them so much. 

I feel Lanis pull away. I let go of him and he smiles at me.