079. Hashashins and King Rahamma -3 (Part One)

A long time ago, there was a time when Rahamma summoned an extraordinary soothsayer to the royal castle. He did it purely for his entertainment. Indeed, it was nothing more than a distraction to help him forget his boredom.

The soothsayer was just a mere slave. Even then, Rahamma still told this man to see into Aslan's future while he was still its king.

When that happened, the soothsayer replied with an expression of unadulterated delight on his face.

-Aslan shall be saved!

Rahamma was stunned by that declaration.

At first, he thought that the soothsayer was merely saying some nice-sounding words in order to please him. But that wasn't it.

The soothsayer was genuinely smiling.

-The land of death will vanish. The verdant fields will spread all over Aslan!

He was visibly excited.

Tremors ran through his whole body, and with an enraptured face, he proclaimed a fervent revelation to his king, Rahamma.