081. Aslan's Saviour -2 (Part Two)

"I'm the king, yet you dare...!"

His legs muscles bulged with pure strength in the next moment.

"...Make a mockery out of me?!"

Rahamma, while lifting up his mace, exploded forward from his spot and flew straight towards Tina.

To eliminate both her and the giant tree at the same time, he took an almighty swing with that large blunt weapon of his.

"Protect Tina."

I stomped my foot on the ground. The spirits of earth and water floating around me quickly dashed forward.

The spirit of water created waves and pounced on Rahamma, and he got sucked into the crashing tides. At the same time, the ground shot up in front of Tina to create an earthen wall.

However, Rahamma didn't stop. Despite being trapped in water as if he had fallen into a lake, he didn't stop moving. He even temporarily held his breath while swinging the mace in his hands.

When the huge earthen wall was struck by the weapon, it exploded into bits. Even the water entrapping him blew apart and dissipated away.