094. Kasim Derian -3 (Part Two)

"Ha, hahah..."

A hollow chuckle involuntarily leaked out of my mouth.

Even I could tell what she was trying to do over there.

Her magic wasn't even all that amazing, really. It was just the plain ol' body reinforcement spell.

However, the divinity's flow in her body that I analysed through Mind's Eye proved to be truly exceptional. Her divinity was precisely controlled and much more stable than anyone else's.

Her entire body was basically a treasure weapon and a sturdy shield at the same time.

'I do remember seeing her slam the head of a lycan on the ground all those months ago.'

Compared to back then, her growth rate could only be called monstrous.

Could that be chalked up to her being a Saintess, I wonder?

Saintess Alice Astoria stood up from her hiding place while clenching her fists. Her expression told me how scared she was right now.

But even then, she didn't back off an inch.