111. An Adventurer's First Step (Part Two)

Alice found this version of the Seventh Imperial Prince before her eyes truly mystifying.

A person labelled as a mangnani had transformed so much.

Someone who perpetrated random acts of violence for fun and even tried to assault women had somehow acquired the support of the empire's subjects.

Her grandfather, Cardinal Raphael, once told her that the boy now possessed the 'right to inherit the throne' of the Holy Emperor.

As proof, the Theocratic Empire was preparing to bestow the position of 'Holy King', which was one step below the Holy Emperor, to the boy. The Imperial Prince himself had no idea about it, but a huge surprise was in store for him when he returned to the imperial palace later.

It'd be a surprise gift from Holy Emperor Kelt himself.

Alice suddenly became rather curious about what kind of face the Imperial Prince would make after the peerage of 'Holy King' was bestowed upon him.

'Without a doubt, he deserves it.'