125. The Tomb's Guardian -3 (Part Two)

Even the movement of the dragon had changed.

Broken bits of bones were being regenerated quickly.

The Bone Dragon pounced on Metatron once more and managed to tilt the archangel to the side. The fangs of the dragon bit into the golem's body as it proceeded to shoot its Breath in the next moment.

Metatron's huge figure went up in flames, and the choking heat even reached me. It was hot as hell.

Without a doubt, my Bone Dragon remained a massive threat, yet...

Metatron's glare was not directed in the dragon's way, but at Alice over yonder. Even as its body was breaking down, Metatron still managed to endure the dragon's Breath.

It was also even reaching out with its massive hand.

It must've determined that the small girl over there was far more of a threat than my Bone Dragon.

The cogwheels around it spun around, and another barrage of spears and arrows rained down.

Their target was the defenceless Alice.

"Not on my watch!"